Part Ten

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His brown curls fall into his face as he guides me down the corridor. A warm smile was painted on his face.

He reaches his hand out and grasps the door knob. The door opened with a slow creaking noise.

"Alright, Ms. Y/L/N," Peter begins. My body flinches as my last name rolls off his tongue.

"It may not be much but it's comf-comfortable." He stutters nervously.

I slowly enter the room, the walls colored with Agreeable Gray. The bed covers were a simple white, a soft green beige carpet roamed the floor.

The carpet was warm on my cold feet, the bed soft on my scarred skin. The morning air was crisp.

"Thank you, Peter." My thick Russian accent twisted with my words.

Her presence felt cold, her eyes empty of emotion.

Her aroma of blood and metal filled my nostrils.

My shoulders felt heavy with guilt as I left Y/N in the plain, empty, and suffocating room.

My feet stick to the cold tile floor, as I peel the bloody clothing off my sweaty (S/T) skin. Dirt tucked underneath my fingernails as the icy water hits my sore back.

My fingers intertwine with my (H/L), (H/C), hair. Washing away the exhaustion and blood, lathering my weak body in soap that smelt of strong Tea trees and sage oil.

Water droplets slid down my arms as the soft ivory white towel wraps around me. The cold air hitting my face sent goosebumps to my bare legs.

The night atmosphere swallows the city, the stars and moon lighting up the dark sky. Automobiles and quiet sirens fill the streets.

Pulling a white long sleeve shirt over my chest, covering my metal arm. The sleepwear is soft and warm on my goosebump-covered legs.

I Lay my back on the green beige carpet, staring back at the empty bed.
Turning to my side and closing my eyes shut as the horrors creep into my mind.

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