Chapter Three

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"Miss. Cissy." Kreacher said with a deep bow that his nose was mere inches away from the ground, as the Elf entered with his young Mistress into the room where the two Malfoys were seated.

"Kreacher," Narcissa acknowledged before her blue eyes fell upon the dark haired girl standing beside the Elf, her gaze on the floor, nervously wringing her hands. "Kreacher, who is this?"

Kreacher proudly stated, "This is my young Mistress Black, Miss. Cissy." Narcissa's blue eyes widened in surprise. She had never imagined another Black to ever step in her household, considering the current ones were deemed to be blood traitors. Narcissa's eyes flickered anxiously towards her husband, who was seated across from her by the fireplace. He had an unreadable expression on his face.

Lucius Malfoy was a tall man, with platinum blonde hair and icy, grey eyes, the same eyes Draco had inherited. Lucius always held himself with pride, as he was a pureblood after all. He disliked anyone of a lower status or someone considered to be a blood traitor. In the moment, seeing Carina, a blood traitor, within his magnificent manor did anger him indeed. His gaze pierced Carina's, who flinched.

"Please, I-I needed your help."

Lucius scoffed, "Why would I help you?"

Carina's gaze fell onto her shoes, "Because I have no one else that I can call family."

Lucius only appeared appalled, while Narcissa's eyes held concern.

"Carina, you have so many others in your life, why choose us? We can't associate ourselves with someone who doesn't share our values."

Carina nodded, as her eyes glazed over.

"Mrs. Malfoy, please. You're my last hope, I'll do anything! Everyone else has never truly cared for me." The tears were beginning to pool in the girl's eyes. "Th-they've only neglected me, a-and," A sob made its way out, against Carina's will. "I-I just can't bear it any longer.

Narcissa had to hold her cold mask, as the girl's pain began to break her heart. She felt as if she was a few years younger again, when she had been arranged to marry Lucius. Narcissa had wanted more freedom in her life but she was afraid to take any step that put her out of line. Narcissa didn't have the courage that her sister Andromeda Tonks had. Andromeda had been blasted off the family tree like Sirius, but she had turned her dream into reality, as she got to live life her way.

Narcissa wanted to take Carina in, console her, help her, but she couldn't do so. Not until her husband has his say in the matter. Lucius, meanwhile, deeply thought. He was against the idea of having a blood traitor's daughter in his home, but hearing the pain and what appeared as almost hatred, another idea sparked in his mind, one that would be beneficial for him.

"Very well, you may stay."

Both Carina and Narcissa turned to look at Lucius with surprise. Carina, not being able to believe her luck while Naricssa, found it very odd that Sirius' daughter was being allowed to stay in the Malfoys' home. This made Narcissa nervous for what Lucius may have in his mind.

With a final nod, Lucius Malfoy rose from his seat and exited, leaving Narcissa, Carina and Kreacher in the room. As soon as her husband left, Narcissa's face melted into a more warmer expression.

"Kreacher, please take Carina's belongings up to the spare bedroom close to Draco's."

"Of course, Miss. Cissy." Kreacher bowed before levitating Carina's belongings and left.

Narcissa opened her arms, "Come here, Carina."

Carina reluctantly took a step towards the Mistress of the Malfoy manor, and Narcissa gently wrapped her arms around the girl, while Carina's lay limp at her sides, but she soaked in the warmth from the woman. Breaking apart, Narcissa took Carina's face in her hands. Her blue eyes flickered to Carina's grey ones.

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