Chapter Four

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"YOU CHEATING SCUM!" Lee Jordan was howling into the megaphone. Carina slightly cringed. She had never bothered to spectate a Quidditch match before, but came to watch her best friend play today.

It all seemed like unnecessary chaos and, violence in a sense. The game was getting dirtier by each second, and the latest trick had been put into action by none other than Draco, who pulled Harry back by his Firebolt, letting the Golden Snitch vanish once again.

After Alicia took Gryffindor's penalty (and missed by several feet due to her anger) the game resumed.

"Slytherin in possession, Slytherin heading for goal - Montague scores-" Lee groaned. "Seventy - twenty to Gryffindor."

Carina could see that Harry was now marking Draco so closely their knees kept hitting each other.

"Get out of it, Potter!" Carina could faintly hear Draco saying. She sighed, knowing the rivalry between the two may never cease, but she forbade her best friend many times regarding his rude behaviour towards his peers, and apparently Draco Malfoy is too stubborn to heed a word.

"Angelina Johnson gets the Quaffle for Gryffindor, come on, Angelina, COME ON!" Every single Slytherin player apart from Draco, even the Slytherin Keeper, was streaking up towards Angelina - they were all going to block her-

Carina saw Harry wheeling his Firebolt about, bent so low he was laying flat along the handle and heaved it forwards. Like a bullet, he shot towards the Slytherins.

"AAAAAAARRRGH!" All the Slytherins scattered as the Firebolt zoomed towards them; Angelina's way was clear.

"SHE SCORES! SHE SCORES! Gryffindor lead by eighty points to twenty."

Carina was bored out of her mind, eagerly waiting for the game to complete. She perked up as her wish seemed to be coming true, as her eyes followed Draco, who was diving, a look of triumph on his face - there, a few feet above the ground below, was a tiny golden glimmer. Harry could be seen urging his broom downwards, but Draco was miles ahead.

Carina was up on her feet, as excitement coursed through her body at this final moment, she cheered loudly, earning a few looks from nearby Gryffindors.

Harry was flat on his broom handle as he shortened the distance between the Slytherin Seeker and himself. Both were level to level. Seizing the chance, Harry threw himself forwards, hands off his broom. Carina saw him knock Draco's hand out of the way (causing her to feel a bit disappointed) and-

"YES!" The stadium exploded as Harry's hand shot up in victory, the snitch enclosed. Wave upon wave of crimson supporters was pouring out of the barriers and onto the pitch.

Carina patiently waited for the crowd to disperse onto the pitch, before letting her two feet carry her towards Draco, who was grumpy like his team, about the loss of the match, and were headed for the changing rooms, glaring at the crowd of Gryffindors on the other side of the pitch who were celebrating the win of the Quidditch Cup.


His head whipped around for the source of the voice. Locking his grey eyes with Carina's brown ones, his face slightly brightened.

"What are you doing here? You filthy little mudblood!" A Slytherin said, glaring at Carina with hatred like the rest of his team.

Draco's face hardened, anger blazing through his eyes. He spun around to face the rest of the team.

"Listen here Flint. I won't hear a word against her. She isn't like the rest of those Gryffindors." Flint, looking like he wanted to say more, merely stormed off, the rest of the team in tow. Draco was fuming. Carina put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. Draco visibly relaxed, and turned slowly to face the Gryffindor.

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