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It's been a few hours since Rin and Obito's births, Itachi is in stable condition and the twins are healthy and surprisingly awake and making cooing noises. Ayano was sitting upright and holding them with a bright smile on her face, there was a knock on the door, Hiyori quickly opens it.

It was Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura.

Naruto rushes over to Ayano, "Nee-chan you're okay! I was freaking out for a bit, then Kakashi-sensei gave me some instant ramen. Then I took a nap, freaked out some more and I just-". Naruto gets hit on the head by Sakura, "Naruto you're being too loud! This is a hospital there are babies and Itachi-and wait... Itachi?!" Sakura gets ready to attack the unconscious Uchiha who she just noticed was here. Kakashi and Sakura get ready to fight.

"Itachi's fine Sakura calm down you to sensei," Hiyori says as she walks over to them with her arms crossed, she looks over at Itachi who had Obito sleeping next to him, and smiles. "That's Obito, he's sleeping near Itachi, and Ayano-san holding Rin. And no Sasuke isn't here."

Kakashi smiles under his mask when he heard the names, it had been so long since he had heard them. "named after 'them'" Ayano looks down at her daughter and nods "It was Itachi's idea actually" Kakashi nods trying to process this information, remembering the times he's had to fight the now unconscious Uchiha. If he was being honest he had a feeling Itachi was the father.

Naruto looks down at Rin, "can they eat ramen?" he asks excitedly as he stares at his niece. Ayano chuckles, "no, but I'll let you know when they are old enough." Naruto smiles nodding, "I'll treat them to ramen whenever they want dattebayo!"

Sakura was staring at Itachi warily, "Ayano-san why did you... you know.... after all, Itachi has done?"

Kakashi sighs, "let's not talk about that right now ok Sakura"

Sakura looks at her sensei for a second, "r-right, sorry"

After a few minutes of silence, Shizune comes in telling Naruto to go to Tsunade's office, after of course congratulating Ayano on the twins.

After Naruto left it got even more awkward, Hiyori went on to explain the situation to her old sensei and teammate.

Sakura and Kakashi were more than shocked, Kakashi's mouth hung open (Though nobody could see it because of his mask). "Does this mean you and Sasuke-kun and Rina will be coming back?" Sakura asks hopefully

Hiyori sighs, "I hope so I miss the village and I know Sasuke does too, though he doesn't want to admit it and Rina is just along for the ride. I just hope that Sasuke doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Ayano giggles "knowing that boy he totally will ya know"

Naruto comes back after Kakashi and Sakura were gone, he looked devastated as though his dog died. "P-pervy sage he's... he's dead." Ayano could see that he had been crying, from his red face to his glossy puffy eyes and the little booger hanging from his nose. She frowns, "Naruto-"

"I'm fine Nee-chan I- I'm gonna go home and lay down," Naruto says as he walks out the door, Hiyori also leaves.

Ayano sighs, she knew how close Naruto was to Jiraiya. She knew all too well, he taught both her and Naruto the rasengan and would often tell her stories about her parents and how she was so much like them.

Ayano was snapped out of her grieving by the sound of sheets moving and a bed creaking. She quickly whips her head over to the sound finding it was Itachi sitting up. Ayano smiles "careful you have someone resting by you ya know" Itachi looks around trying to see what she was talking about then finally sees Obito asleep right next to his right hand.

"That's Obito"

Itachi looks at his son in awe for a moment before tears start falling down his cheeks. He was a father-





This was his child.

My little TomatoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα