"If it's for you, I'll risk a reprimand," Imber replied with a serious face and patted Remi on the head.

Important to know, Patricia was one of the students in the D-Class who later changed schools due to the incident. She often joked about Remi's mental state and knew how to turn other groups against Remi. It only made things worse. Because of her, Remi started thinking about suicide (although it had occurred to her before, although she didn't take it so seriously) but never talked about it with Imber. She just stayed quiet and kept such thoughts to herself, believing that if she did tell it, she would be a bother, possibly losing her best friend.

Arriving at school, Remi ate chocolate in class, trying to hide it so that the biology teacher wouldn't catch her. That candy could only distract her from the bad thoughts that were swirling in her head. Her emotions were changing too fast and it was hard to keep track of how she was feeling, or if she was feeling anything at all at certain moments.

Patricia looked at her and chuckled. Remi had no idea what was this one laughing about. She probably just wanted to provoke her.

During that time, one student struggled with the task on the board.

"You should be able to solve this, you're not mentally ill after all," the teacher replied to the student.

"Like Remi." Patricia cracked.

Some girls laughed at that as Remi sent Patricia an angry look.

"Patricia, this is unacceptable! You can't just say someone is mentally ill. If I hear you one more time, you'll be going to the principal right away!" the teacher replied.

She fell silent, but she still had that fake smile addressed to Remi. Imber noticed this and showed Patricia the middle finger.

"Woooo!" shouted the boys who saw this.

"Class, silence!" exclaimed the teacher when the silence took over again.

When the class was over, Remi and Imber headed to the gym for a P.E. class.

"I hate that asshole!" Remi shouted, the whole student hall hearing that.

"Jeez, I hate that she is always aiming at you." Imber already had her fists clenched. "If only I could beat her up or break that bitchy nose ..."

"No, don't take chances. If you do, even Marisa won't be able to get you out of trouble, even though she's managed to get us out like a million times."

"I know, I know, but it's really unfair."

"A lot of things aren't fair, sadly."

"One day ... she will get what she deserves."

"Yup, but we can't fight back, otherwise she will play the victim like she always does."

"You're right."

In the physical education class, everything started well. Remi stood next to Imber as they waited for the coach and so she felt safe. But when the coach came to the hall area, he had to arrange something for a football competition. Imber had to come as she is part of the football team and so Remi found herself alone with the other girls in the class.

Patricia whispered something to the others as they laughed at it. Remi tried to ignore them, pretending that she didn't hear their nasty words and mean laughs until suddenly a group of six girls found themselves standing around her. Smiling rudely, Patricia stepped in front as she stroked her light brown silky hair.

"Remi, are you okay?" Patricia asked, sounding as if she genuinely cared.

"Leave me alone!" Remi retorted, starting to shake but at the same time trying to calm down.

Chaos Begins |One More High School Comedy, Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now