I laugh.

-yes you are very annoying.

-ouch, you just shot me in the heart..

She giggle at my dramatic statement.

-I hope we'll see each other again.

-don't worry, I'm sure we will. Don't you remember our other missio-?

She shuts my mouth with a slice of cake.

-let not talk about serious things now, it's a party, not a business meeting.

-Haha, you're right. So how about you offer me your first dance?

-of course I will, my little criminal.

I smile at the nickname and grab her hand then drag her to the middle of the hall. All eyes were on us till they saw how much fun we were having by dancing goofyly, everyone took example and stopped caring about where to put their foot and just danced however.

Toka and I get interrupted by a small fake cough.

It was Ace and Luffy in their costumes. I cackle at the sight of Ace's appearance.

-you even put hair gel on hahaha!

He blushes harder. I rarely get these kinds of reaction when teasing him. So let exploit this opportunity.

-you look so stiff that the door behind you looks more relaxed!

And I punch his arms. But I didn't break my wrist, which shows how strong I've became.

A waltz song came in and Ace stiffly offers his hand.

-L-let dance.


I must've heard it wrong.


He pulls me in which makes me grin widely as I lead the first steps.

-you must've worked hard to be able to dance this steps. how cute of you.

I smile as I purposely use the hardest steps to follow.

-what are you doing?!

He whisper yelled.

-we are the star of this party, with Tokababe and Luffy-chan. We just need to be better than everyone.

I make it even harder towards the end but... karma got me, and I am the one to fall backwards. He slide a hand behind my back and save me from the humiliation of falling.

I was about to thank him when our eyes met, our lips not so far from each. I notice his pink ears and lean in to kiss.

-a little present for you.

I left a lipstick mark on his cheek. Which was pretty funny to me.

He was confused, I am too, so I can't help him understand what has gotten into me.

I stand up and give him my hand to kiss it.
-what the fuck do you want me to do with your hand.

-oh my gosh, you're so annoying. Kiss the back of my hand! Do I need to spell everything out for you to understand?

-you're being a pain in the ass.

He complains but kiss it anyways.

-the song is over so let go check where are our Toka and Luffy.


We dodge the dancing NPCs and see the two of them eating everything on the buffet.

-now, what is this. There isn't only you two in this place you ugly rats.

-futh shup! Itch none of you bushiness!

-Toka babe, don't talk with food in your mouth.

She gulps her food.

-sorry, MOM.

-mom? I don't act like a mom?

Even Luffy stops eating his food and look at me with a weird look.

-what with these weird looks.

-you're the mom-est mom that has ever existed. (Ace)

-I don't listen to haters~ lalala Hahaha A-NY-WAYS, I think it's time for me to leave.

The atmosphere become tense.

-Oh come on! Let hug so I can leave without regrets!

I start with hugging my Queen and kissing the back of her hand then I hug luffy. Lastly, Ace.

-don't be so stiff, it's just a hug.

-my back hurts from arching it. You're just too short.

-we're literally just a few centimeters apart don't be dramatic, half burnt toast.

-moving corpse.

I break the hug and was about to jump out of the balcony.

-Wait! Hertha!

-what now?

-here, a goodbye present. I'm sure it'll help you in your journey. Don't open it now though.

They gave me a big heavy box and told me to open it once I get in my boat, which isn't so grandiose it's just a small submarine. (She's lying, it's the most beautiful submarine that has ever existed)

I kiss them on the cheek and thank them. I jump just after and reach my submarine. I get in and start the engine.

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