Moving Day

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~a few months later~

Finally, you had the warehouse paid for, and you could move in! It would feel like home in no time.

However, there was one thing you wanted to discuss with Dabi.

You walked out of your room and into the kitchen to fix your breakfast.

Sitting down at the table, you began to eat your food. Dabi soon joined you at the table.

"Good morning, mouse," he said calmly.
"Good morning patchwork." You gave him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"Is something wrong? You look... off somehow," he questioned.
"Well, there is something I wanted to ask," you replied, looking down nervously to the table.

He looked at your nervous posture, and at your hands as you fiddled with the edges of the tablecloth between your fingers.

"You can tell me anything, mousey. You know that, don't you?" He wrapped an arm around you, letting it rest gently around your waist.
"Um.. it's just that.... I don't really want to.. um.... I don't want to be a villain anymore. Also, I don't want you to be either," you explained.

Dabi seemed a little shocked, but he got over it quickly. He didn't seem to be upset.

"Do you have any specific reasons why, little mouse?" He asked gently.
"It's.. It's really dangerous, and I'm tired of constantly being on the run. We're constantly being chased by heroes, and I can't handle that much stress. And.... I couldn't stand seeing you hurt, like the time the heroes attacked. That almost killed me. And the idea of you risking your li-"

Dabi cut you off with a passionate kiss. When he released, he spoke again.

"Mousey, I appreciate that you're worried for my safety. I'd do anything for you, and you know it. So, of course we can stop with the villain madness if you wanted to." He pressed a quick kiss to your lips again.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you."
"I love you too, mouse. Now, let's move into a new beginning."

            ~at the warehouse~

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            ~at the warehouse~

"It's perfect!" You said as you set your suitcase on the concrete floor.

You finally made it to your new home. After a few months, when it was nicely furnished and decorated, it wouldn't even feel like a warehouse anymore. Just home.

You raced up the stairs, checking all the empty floors, and imagining how it would look when you were totally moved in.

Eventually, you made it to the roof. It was sunset, and the view of the city skyline was magical.

The brightest stars began to peek through the darkening sky. The sun was setting a peachy glow over every surface it touched, throwing the world into a golden hour. It was a scene that might've only been seen in a romance novel, right when the main character was proposed to.

The skyline dimmed, and was soon replaced by the blackest night, dotted only with stars and the city lights. If it weren't for the lights, you very well would've been able to see the Milky Way.

You laid on that roof for hours, finally falling asleep under the light of the stars.

(I really do think I'm going to wrap this up soon. 55 chapters at most. Happy chapter 50! Thank you for staying with the story this long!)

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now