A Lesson Learned (Part 2)

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You grabbed Ray's arm and dragged them out of the bedroom. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO THE LEAGUE BITCH!" You were still infuriated that you would have to hurt them, but you'd do whatever could to protect the League.

"You're still my friend though, aren't you?" Ray asked.
"I-" you hesitated. Are we still friends? No, of course not, they hurt the League. But should I really be abandoning them after all this time? We were friends for so long, and now I'm leaving them for some shitty villain group? Yes. Yes I am leaving them for some shitty villain group because they give me purpose, and Ray got in the way of that purpose.

"NO! WE AREN'T FRIENDS ANYMORE, AND WE NEVER WILL BE AGAIN, BECAUSE YOU'LL BE DEAD!" You shouted despite your raging thoughts telling you to stop.

You threw Ray to the ground, pinning them with your boot.
"If you survive, swear you'll never come near me or the the League ever again," you said through gritted teeth.

     The poison dripped from your fingertips, turning to acid with your rage. It burned holes in Ray's shirt, and began to dig into their skin. They yelled and shouted in pain and agony as the acid burrowed through their chest. You gathered more acid in your palm, and tossed it into their face.
"TAKE THAT TRAITOR!" You heard the hiss of disintegrating flesh as the acid burned into Ray's skull. Blood pooled on the hardwood floor.
"Oh, whoops. That floor is going to be stained for years," you said to nobody. Ray couldn't hear you or reply, they were in immense pain.
"I'll leave you for heroes to find." You said as you stepped off their chest. You ran out the door.
"HELP! THERE'S BEEN A MURDER IN THERE!" You yelled as you made it onto the city streets. Quickly, the pro hero Endeavor followed you to the site of the crime.

    You let the crocodile tears flow as you pointed to the dead hero on the ground.
"I'm sorry I can't look! I'll let you handle this mister!" You said as you dashed out the door.

    You ran to the bar, and back to where Dabi was, in his bedroom. You sat next to him, and he held you in his arms. "How'd it go, mouse?"

    The realization of what you had done began to set it. I just killed my best friend. 7th grade. We had been friends since I was in 7th grade, and now they were dead. Dead. Why would I do that? How could I do that?
"I killed them. They're dead." You said in a weak voice that was threatening to break.

"Mouse, are you okay?" And with those words, you broke.
"I JUST MURDERED MY BEST FRIEND, DO YOU THINK I'M OKAY?" You yelled as tears -real tears- ran from your eyes like rivers. "I killed them," you said as you sank to your knees, "How? How could I kill them when they were so close to me?!" You laid down on the floor in defeat.
"Why? Why did I let myself do that? I could've just hurt them a little, I didn't have to kill them." You felt small puddles of tears next to your cheeks on the concrete floor.

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now