A Decision (Part 2)

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You met up with Dabi again, just like you were supposed to. He wasn't there yet. That damned villain is late. What if he doesn't come? I should've known better than to trust a villain! No... he'll be here. You continued to rush through all possible scenarios in your head as to why he could be late or why he wouldn't be here. Suddenly, he appeared above you.

  "Hey, Y/N." You only glared. "You look pissed, little villain."
"You're late, of course I'm pissed."
"Better to be late than not to come at all."
"Hm. Guess you're right. Where's the list?"
"What's your number? I made a private document so it's not as easily tracked."
You gave him your number and he texted you a list.

"You gave him your number and he texted you a list

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   You could click on the images and it showed you facts and the quirks they had

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You could click on the images and it showed you facts and the quirks they had.
"I didn't know you were this good with digital stuff, Dabi."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Y/N." He turned around and as he began to walk away he said, "meet me here again whenever you've made your decision, I'll wait here as long as needed."

You nodded and said your goodbyes and went home quickly. "Mom? I have a few questions."
"What is it, Y/N?"
"What happened to dad?" She froze. "Well I guess you would start asking sooner or later." She began to tell you about everything, and you were in shock the whole time.
"He had a poison quirk just like you, that's where you got it from. He was a pro hero, and I think you got your determination from him too. I see so much of him in you, Y/N. I don't want you to suffer the same fate he did. He was fighting some villains, I don't remember who to be honest, but I know that they're dead now. Anyways, he was fighting, and something happened with his quirk, it- it messed up I guess.

Nobody is sure exactly what went wrong, but his poison ended up melting off his fingers and his face, he was told that he'd make it, but he wouldn't be able to fight again. Sure, the doctors were partially correct, he would never fight again. He never even made it out of that hospital bed, Y/N. It was devastating to my mental health. The only thing keeping me alive was you. I was pregnant at the time, and I wanted to be the best mom possible, just to prove I could be better than my own mother, who had something similar happen to her.

Just know Y/N, you would've been a pro hero if it wasn't for what happened to him. We all wanted to keep you safe. You saved my life, Y/N, and I wanted to save yours."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks, and you were about to look the same. You ran over and gave her a hug.
"You didn't have to tell me if it hurt you so badly to talk about it..." You took a shaky breath in.
"I have one more question.... What did it feel like when you were around him?" Your mom took a similar shaky breath and sighed dreamily, almost like she could imagine him being with her again.
"A lot of the time it feels just like a really good friend, who always sees you through, but... but it's more than that. It's more like, a resting place, where you know that you won't ever be judged and you're always safe. Kind of like your own journal, except this one lives and breaths, and can never be read.

It's hard to describe Y/N, I think it's just like you're constantly in a dream, floating on clouds and never falling." She shook her head, like she was shaking herself out of her head.
"All I know, is that I felt like I had a purpose."

(This is my longest chapter yet! 689 words! Just let me know if you want longer chapters like this or if I should stick to the 500-ish word count!)

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