A Decision

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       You felt practically quirkless, you had no outlet for the powers you had. A lot of the time, you simply wandered the streets, until it was almost dark, contemplating if it was a good idea to join the LOV. You were constantly bored at home, with nothing to do. Often, you went to the same alley and talked to Dabi for a while, not letting him know that you knew he was a villain. Often, you didn't really feel threatened in his presence, more like he understood your emotions.

You and him seemed to be really good friends now, but neither of you really shared much about your past, or your parents. You just avoided the topic, if he wanted to talk about it, he would. You didn't want to intrude on his personal life. One day, after a few months, you wanted to ask him about the LOV.
"Hey, Dabi?"
"Yes, Y/N?"
"Do you know anything about the LOV?"

He paused for a minute, and you saw a flash of realization in his eyes. He knew you knew.
"Ah, you figured me out, haven't you?"
"It wasn't that hard you know. Do you think I could join?"
"Why do you, a wannabe hero, want to join the LOV?"
"I guess a lot of things went well for a long time, then when I graduated UA, I wasn't allowed to become a hero because of my poison quirk. It's too dangerous." You said sarcastically, "These past few months I've felt almost like I don't even have a quirk anymore, because I have nothing to practice with!"

Dabi nodded, almost knowingly.
"I can ask Shigaraki about it, but I'm not so sure you really want to."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"There's a lot of reasons. 1. We're evil, 2. We kill people, 3. You'd have to abandon your family so they don't find out, 4. Everyone will hate you." You sighed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, but can you please tell me all you know about the League? If I have all the information possible, maybe I can make a decision sooner." He nodded,
"Alright, but you can't tell ANYONE that you're joining us, and you have to swear you're not a spy."
"I swear on my fucking life, that I'm not a spy, I just don't want to be useless anymore."
"Alright, meet me here next week, same spot and time, and I'll give you a list of all the LOV and their quirks."
You nodded, and noticed the sun was setting.
"See you then!" You waved goodbye to Dabi and jogged home.

You got home and sighed to your mom.
"That was exasperating!" Your mom looked at you.
"What's up?"
"Remember the guy that helped me when I got lost? Anyway I made friends with him over the months, and he's trying to get me to join a really cool secret club! We made plans and he's going to give me a list of the people in it and what they do!" Your mom nodded. "Seems interesting Y/N, but always be careful when you're out walking. You're sure you trust him?"
"Of course! We're practically best friends!"

You ate something quick for dinner and then went to bed, because it was getting late. You were thinking about how you felt around Dabi. You felt safe, not at all afraid, and like he understood you. That's odd, the feeling of understanding a villain and being understood by him. I'm still not sure if joining the League is a good idea though. Can't get cold feet now, I'm so close! Soon I'll finally feel like I have some kind of purpose!

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now