Mission of Hate (Part 3)

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I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. You repeated to yourself in your mind, but you just couldn't bring yourself to really hate him. It was early morning, about 3 or 4. You couldn't sleep, so instead you just cried. You hadn't even dated him for a day, and already you were this torn over him? This isn't how it's supposed to work, right? Love is supposed to be slow and steady. It's not supposed to happen all at once.

You didn't know how well Dabi was handling this, nor did you want to know. You still hadn't gotten your blanket that you wanted, but at this point you didn't really care. All you did was cry. You had to be at UA by 7, so you only had a few hours before you had to go. There really was no reason to sleep.

Maybe joining the League wasn't such a good idea after all. You turned on a lamp in your room and took a nice outfit out of your suitcase. This is what you were going to wear for your first day at UA as a teacher.
"Fuck this." You were already sick and tired of the mission. You went to the bathroom to take a shower.
After your shower you got ready and pulled out some makeup you had. The only reason you knew how to use it was because your older cousins insisted on teaching you. You took the concealer and covered up the bags under your eyes. You yawned.
"God, I wish I had time to sleep." It was now 6 A.M. and getting light out, so you went on your way to UA. You walked into Aizawa's classroom.
"Ah, welcome Y/N. Our class is about to begin. You can take a seat at the desk there until our students get here." He pointed to a desk in the front row.
"It's been a while since I've had to sit at one of these." You and Aizawa both laughed. The students slowly trickled into the classroom and sat at their seats.

You stood up and went to the front of the room. All the students were staring at you in confusion.
"Who's this?" You heard one of the girls say. When all the students were here, Aizawa introduced you to the class. "This is Y/N. They'll be interning here for a few weeks, and maybe even become a teacher here." They all clapped.
"BETTER THAN YOU!" One of the students yelled.
"Bakugo Katsuki! The disrespect you're giving me right now is unacceptable." The Bakugo kid just glared.

You kind of had a small hope that you could stay here. Maybe this mission won't kill me. Maybe I'll like it! You sat at Aizawa's desk and watched him teach the class so you could learn the basics.

Soon, class was over and you went to your new place on campus. Unfortunately, you had to sneak Dabi in and report your info to him. You really didn't want to talk to him after what had happened, but you had to do it. For the League. It's all for the League. You told yourself as you waited for the signal, flashing in the dark.

( A/N: sorry I haven't posted for a while. As I said, I won't update on a regular basis and I have been busy with school. But here you go!)

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