Spy? (Part 2)

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  (I'm so sorry it's been so long since I posted but my brain hasn't allowed me to do that, so here's your new chapter for the time being.)
      Soon it was time to get ready for your trip to the mall. Hmmm... what to wear? You rummaged through your dresser trying to find something decent to wear to the mall. Aha! Perfect. You thought as you pulled out a few articles of clothing. You quickly got dressed in your chosen outfit of a plain black t-shirt, ripped black jeans, and fishnets. "This seems decent for the mall," you said to nobody in particular.
    You grabbed a chain and fastened it to the belt loops of your jeans.
"Hm," you said, satisfied. You slipped on your black combat boots and a dark gray jacket and went to check the time. It was only 12 now. I'm gonna need a few shots to survive this. You stepped out into the bar that Kurogiri sat behind again.
"Give me a shot of whiskey."
"Going out with Toga so I've heard? You're gonna need it." I nodded as he slid the shot across the tabletop.
     You downed the shot and a few others before checking the time again. It was 2 now, you should get going soon. Then, before you left to go to the mall, Dabi stepped out of his room. "Headed out so soon mouse?"
"Unfortunately, I have to."
"Alright, but remember, be careful."
He came up to you and gave you a kiss before sending you on your way. You waved him goodbye as you walked out of the alley.
    You stood in front of the mall, taking a deep breath. You don't actually have to be friends with her, just pretend. You walked inside and there she was, in her usual outfit, ready to go.
"Hi bestie!" She shouted, doing a little jazz hands. "Ready to go shopping?" You asked, trying to sound as excited as you could without being blatantly fake. She took you by the wrist and dragged you to the first store.

    "Let's get shopping, bestie!" She said, still gripping your wrist.
"Uh... could you let go of my hand?"
"Oops, yeah sorry." She let go of your hand as you looked around the store. It was a shoe store. You immediately saw a pair that stood out to you. There was nothing unique to them, just plain black Converse high tops. You grabbed a pair that was your size as well as a pair of checkered Vans and went to the counter. Toga was waiting for you there, and she was holding a pair that was identical to the ones she was already wearing.

"You already have those shoes?" You asked.
"Oh, I was growing out of them, so I needed a new pair!" You then went to check out.
"Wait, how are we going to pay for these?"
"Don't worry about it!" She said as she pulled out a credit card.
"Is that yours?" You asked.
"Nope! I'm sure Endeavor is still looking for it!"
"H-how did you manage that? That's awesome!"
"Just a little trick of your boyfriend's," She smirked.

    She handed the card to the lady at the register. We checked out and headed to the next store to spend more of the pro heroes' money.

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now