Chapter 3: Bell

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A few hours before deployment.

Peter and his squad can be seen loading their ammo and making sure that their gears working properly.

"5 hours left, we still have plenty of time, check your weapons, check your armor, gears and everything else. We didn't want our operation failed just because our gear malfunctioned right?"

Muller's team play a very important role to their operation, they're the one who sneak on the base and weaken their security and defenses. While the other team encircle the base.

Of course it's not only Muller's team who sneak on Kiara's base. Two of S.A.S team with their leader Captain McCain also helping them plus one U.S.M.C team led by Sergeant Recker.
These team are handpicked by Kyle himself.

"Alright guys I'm gonna go to toilet"
Peter say as he walk out from the armory to the toilet. He wash his face while thinking about what's happening a few weeks ago.

(Why am I keep seeing her in every of my dream?)

Peter let his inner thought filling his mind, thinking about her while he washing his face. He can't help but think about that time when he's about to get killed by Moona, he wash his face a few times but when he look at the mirror, he saw her again behind him, she stare at him with a sinister grin that can make everyone shocked as if they saw a monster.

Of course Peter also jumped in shock while drawing his pistol at her out of reflex but as soon as he turn his back, she's already gone, not a single trace about her can be found.

"You alright?" One of his teammate asked him.

"Y-Yeah... My mind must've playing with me..."

"You should've rest more Kyle, you know what lack of sleep do to you."

"Yeah... Go ahead, I'll catch up soon."

8 Hours Later at Kiara's Base.

"Target in sight."

"Rog, stand by."

"Moving position."

"Copy, don't let them see you."

The GSG-9 sneak their way and tried their best to stay out of the enemy's line of sight, armed with MP5SD, Peter quietly moving to the corner and aiming at one of the guard while his teammate aiming at the other one.

"Stand by... Now!"

The guard who just talking a seconds ago now laying with their head look like smashed potato.


"Moving to interior."

"Stack up."

The GSG-9 execute their mission effectively without a single second wasted.

"Try not to alarm them."

"I won't."

One of the troops said while opening the door leading to the radar room, the radar room seems like their radar room from the headquarter but it filled with weird futuristic technology that even they themselves never seen it before.

The GSG-9 quickly move their way to the main radar room to neutralize the radar, they move with stealth effectively even the base has not alarmed yet 30 minutes after they infiltrated it. But as we know, life is always going against our plan.

When one of the GSG-9 troops open the door leading to the server, the troops instantly get shot in the head the moment he enters the room causing the whole base to be alarmed. "Fuck! Man down!"


With flashbang they managed to blind the enemy temporarily and then shoot them in the head, but the base has been alarmed making stealth is out of option.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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