Vanessa POV

I wince when my muscles groan as I pull the Kevlar vest off. I'm trying to adjust it to my size so I wouldn't have to mess with it right before I leave to fight. Before returning to my family, I had raided the small air base near my hometown and several police stations along the way back for weapons. I had stumbled upon a bullet proof vest so I could offer some protection to my unborn. Sighing, I glance at the second one. I should run it over to Maggie, but anxiety and panic unfurl in my stomach at the thought. I can't go alone to Hilltop a second time.

I rub my face; I can't believe Simon and Dwight came to my rescue. I shouldn't have needed it. If I had brought my gun, I could've shot Owen and walked my happy ass all the way back to Alexandria. Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda. I wouldn't have had to force a fast-healing process on my body.

The sounds of the door swinging open reaches my ears. I tense, reaching for a throwing knife I have sitting in my back pocket.

"Holy shit." Daryl's voice dances off the walls. I peer over my shoulder, seeing Daryl's blue eyes taking in the cuts littering my back. I release my grip of the knife, letting my arm fall to my side. He silently walks over, fingers tracing my back. Goosebumps break out along my flesh under his touch. Fuck, I missed him. "Dwight told me." He whispers. I hang my head, swearing.

"I'm okay." I breathe out, throwing the vest onto the table before I turn to face Daryl. He searches my face. "I got a matching scar just like the one Merle gifted me." I tease, pointing to my face. The joke falls flat as a frown etches itself into his face. I stalk over, picking up my homemade lotion, lowering myself down into a chair, applying it to the cuts along my arm.

When the stench reaches his nose, his face twists. "The hell is that?" Smirking, I know it doesn't exactly smell like roses. But it does what it's meant to, so I can live with the awful scent.

Shrugging, "something I made that seems to be helping better than any medicine would. It just burns like a bitch."

Wordlessly, he gestures for me to hand it over and to turn around so he can apply it to my back. I follow his request. "It starts tomorrow." He grunts. "Are ya ready?"

Tomorrow? I guess it's showtime. "Yeah. I'll be there. Tell Rick to get into position without me." I feel his hands tense under my words. "Dare, I got something up my sleeve. I'll be fine. Negan thinks I'm down for the count. Let me give yall the upper hand. I know you trust me."

"I do. I just ain't likin' not knowin'. Pants off so I can get the rest of this shit on ya." He orders. I realize he's not in the greatest mood, so I don't argue, instead, I comply. He sucks in a shaky breath as he finally understands the full extent of the damage I've sustained. His eyes narrow, face growing angry. "Are ya -"

"Don't you dare ask me if I'm sure. I'm fighting, Daryl Dixon, and you will not sideline me; am I clear?" I cross my arms, feeling ridiculous as I'm standing before him in my under garments. He nods, glaring. He returns to applying the paste to the rest of the cuts and stitches. "Did Jesus bring Jamie over to you?"

"Yeah. He's a smart kid. Reminds me of Carl. I left him behind with someone stayin' back at the Kingdom. He misses ya and Tori."

"Funny; he reminds me of you."

He smirks, "it didn't take him long to master the crossbow ya gave him." At my silence, he continues, "King Ezekiel is joinin' us. Somethin' happened that changed his mind. I also think your words had some effect on him."

"Good. I warned him."

"Ya did." He sets the paste aside, turning me to face him. "Ya would be a good leader, Blue." His eyes search mine. I find nothing but pride and love hidden behind his beautiful blues.

Shaking my head, "no. I'm okay with just having Rick's ear. I'm comfortable where I'm at." He grunts at my words as he brings me into his arms. He plants a kiss on my head.

"I missed ya."

We sit like that for hours, catching each other up on what had happened to us the last few days. He found Carol. He couldn't bring himself to tell her about Abraham and Glenn; a sentiment I understand. She left us because she couldn't handle the life and choices we make day in and day out. If she learned what had happened, she'd come running back. But she was happy when she learned about the baby, but it was quickly snuffed out when he brought up that Owen was lurking around. I know it bothers him; I don't know what to say to offer him any type of peace when I can't find that peace within myself. Especially now that we know he's on the run and could be anywhere. That's a problem for another time. Right now, we need to dispatch Negan. Owen will just have to wait.

I pull away from him to start wrapping my arms and legs in gauze, while Daryl works on patching my back up with bandages I had left sitting on the table. We work in silence. Once the mission at hand is complete, I step away, dragging on a T-shirt and shorts.

"Dwight is our rat in Negan's nest." Daryl suddenly offers.

My neck snaps up and my eyes widen, "you trust him?"

"Course not. I gave him a chance to prove himself. That's how we know he's comin'. Negan has Sasha." He whispers, I watch as frowns.

Negan has Sasha? Holy shit. "Ah." Unsure what to say, I chew on my lip, feeling unease climb my spine.

"I need to head back. I'll tell Rick not to wait up for ya." He stands, dragging me into an embrace. "Ya better be okay." His head falls onto my shoulders, finding comfort in each others presence before we fight for our lives.

"I'll see you on the other side, Redneck." I run my hand through his hair. When he pulls back, I gesture to the weapons in a box. "Take that with you. I took what I'm bringing with me."

He nods, grabbing the box as he heads to the door. He glances over his shoulder, "I ain't sayin' goodbye, Blue."

"Good, 'cause I don't plan on dying tomorrow." I smile, crossing my arms as he closes the door behind him.

" I smile, crossing my arms as he closes the door behind him

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The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now