Hai Mahadev!!
Their dhotis are torn from the sides or back by an arrow, the torn pieces were still on the ground as the arrow was clutching it. and another arrow was forcing them to standstill, which apparently was holding both of their shawls together.

You don't need to be a genius to know what was forthcoming, cause If they moved even the slightest, the arrow would pierce their shawl as well.

Now again how did this occur?

I didn't know if I should laugh at this or should I be bewildered by all of this? This is extreme.

What I didn't know was a second later this extreme was going to change.

Oh!! How wrong I was to think of that as extreme! When Bheem was sitting on one of the couch with blood gushing from his bicep, which flowed down drop by drop to his arms, nearly touched his palms before he wiped it with a cloth.

An arrow pierced him. How on earth did that happen now?
I thought in bewilderment.

Also, it seemed as if my questioning capability has settled on ‘How did this happen? How did that happen?and nothing else'.
Wow!! Good.
I thought with a scowl.

Amidst all of this I was searching for my Mitr, who was no where to be found. Where is he? He didn't accompany me,saying that he will stay here to watch his sister.

When I caught sight of my Mitr, only one thing came to my mind.

Watching his sister's practice didn't go well... as planned. It turned out to be disastrous. I thought with a grimace as Mitr was crouched on the ground,his Kavach now vanishing. Mitr is lucky. Otherwise he would have suffered the same fate as Bheem, I guessed by the looks of his emerged Kavach.

I stared at the target with a befuddled look. Apart from the target, Princess Adhvika was successful in hitting everyone and everything, including the rack of swords. Our Mace's stand. Hai Narayan!! even a guard's shield and a tree branch.

Now, I was contemplating, whether to help my Mitr? or walk out from here as if I saw nothing?

If I was being extremely truthful, then the latter option seemed really desirable for me.


After a lot of pondering and weighing all the pros and cons. I decided against helping Mitr for three reasons.

One, yesterday he left me alone with Bheem.

Two, my condition was exceedingly better than any of them and I would love to keep it that way.

Three, Princess Adhvika still had her bow with her. This alone should be more than enough reason to walk out from here.

Walking far away from here as soon as possible is a very good idea. I concluded.

I casted one last sympathetic look to all of them and fled away from there, thankfully no one noticed my presence, which obviously helped me in escaping from the training ground.

I can positively say that, never once in my so far life did I ever walk this fast. It almost felt like I was running.
How embarassing!!

Nonetheless, this is far more better than facing the same thing as the Pandavas or Mitr were experiencing at this moment.

I was never this afraid of Arjun shooting an arrow, which never misses its target.
I admittedly am petrified of Princess Adhvika shooting an arrow, as that never touches the target. However it can surely attack everyone under it's radar.
I shuddered visibly and walked back to my room, while mentally noting to never cross path with Princess Adhvika, especially when she has a bow with her.

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