chapter 7

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a/n - sorry yall i was in the mental hospital so i couldn't write !! ill try and update more in the future <3

Bakugou sees the door fling open from the corner of his eye, and the knife on his bed.

"The fuck are you doing? Get out of my room?!" Bakugou says, quickly wiping his eyes. Blood from his fingers smear onto his face, and he tries and fails to wipe that away too.

"Bakugou, what are you doing?" Todoroki asks, voice shaking. He heard him crying but he had no idea he would walk in on Bakugou cutting himself.

"Can you fucking leave?" Bakugou yells. Todoroki closes the door and steps closer towards the other boy.

"Why are you..." Todoroki asks, glancing at the blood dripping from Bakugou's arms and onto the floor. He's speechless, he doesn't know what to say to him.

Bakugou doesn't say anything.

Todoroki has no idea what to do. He's never dealt with a suicidal person, and he can barely deal wifh Bakugou, so a suicidal Bakugou is something entirely different to him.

"Are you suicidal?" Todoroki asks him.

"No I'm not fucking suicidal, you fucking idiot."

"Then why are you... doing that?"

"You don't fucking understand how it is, Todoroki. This is none of your business so... leave." Bakugou says, turning away from him. Just talking with Todoroki is making Bakugou feel dizzy.

"No, I'm not gonna let you kill yourself, Bakugou. Do you even know how that would make me feel? How would I live knowing that someone I... like killed themselves and I could've stopped them?" Todoroki says, stepping closer towards him again.

"Todoroki, can you seriously just leave me alone?" Bakugou asks, turning to face him again.

"I wouldn't have to be persistent like this if you would just talk to me."

Bakugou feels like his head is spinning. "Todoroki, I'll talk to you okay? But right now I need you to fuck off, okay?" Bakugou tells him as he stumbles back over to his bed.

"Why can't you just tell me why you're doing this to yourself? You know I'm here for you Bakugou."

"You don't know how it is, Todoroki." Bakugou says, exasperated. His head is spinning and talking to Todoroki always gives him a headache.

"You're right, I really don't understand. I just want you to be alright." Todoroki says.

"Goddammit Todoroki can you just fuck off?!" Bakugou yells at him before lying down.

"I'm sorry but I just want you to be okay, I really care about you."

"Whatever. I'll talk if I wanna talk." Bakugou says.

"Okay..." Todoroki said, sitting on Bakugou's bed. He's still shocked to find out that Bakugou would do this to himself. He doesn't understand why he can't just talk about his feelings.

The two sit in silence for awhile. Todoroki is surprised he hasn't yelled at him to leave yet.

"Bakugou?" Todoroki says.

No response.

"Bakugou??" He says again.

No response.

"Godammit Bakugou, can you just say something?"

No response. Todoroki gets up and walks to the other side of the bed to see that the blonde haired boy fell asleep, or rather, passed out. Losing that much blood cannot be good for you.

Toodroki doesnt know what to do. He can't call Aizawa and he can't touch him and try and wake him up so Todoroki just stands there, looking at the half dried blood on Bakugou's arms.

He hates whoever did this. He hates that he can't help. And most of all, he hates that Bakugou won't talk to him. Todoroki knows he sounds so selfish when he sees Bakugou and hates how he wont say anything, but he can't help it.

Todoroki sighs. There's nothing he can do but hope that Bakugou won't bleed out on his bed. Bakugou doesn't exactly look like he's going to wake up anytime soon, and he wants to be there when he does. Todoroki walks over and makes sure the door is locked, and then makes himself comfortable in Bakugou's bed. He hopes that the blonde won't mind, especially in his condition.

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