chapter 1

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Shoto Todoroki was a very... touchy person. And it was starting to get on Bakugou's nerves. At first, it was just a hand on his shoulder, or a deliberate brush of their hands, but now its really starting to bother him. Lately, he was being especially annoying.

"Heyy, Bakugou." Todoroki says, slinging an arm around his shoulders as he comes into the locker room.

"Off." Bakugou says, removing his arm. He's just trying to get changed for training. He can do that by himself.

"I'm not a dog."

"Then stop acting like one." Bakugou scoffs.

"Anyway, do you want to be partners for training today?" Todoroki asks, taking his shirt off. Bakugou looks away.

"Yeah, okay." He says. He'll never pass up a chance to beat up Todoroki and not get in trouble.

"Great." Todoroki says. "Let's go." He grabs Bakugou's arm and pulls him along behind him.

"Get off of me." Bakugou says, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Then let's go." Todoroki says.

"I'm going."

Damn Icyhot. He's just gotten more annoying over time. He's acting like Bakugou and him are friends now too. And he's way too touchy. Bakugou had thought everyone had learned to keep their hands to themselves in kindergarten.

"Let go of my fucking arm!" Bakugou demands, and Todoroki complies.

"Have you got any new special moves?" Todoroki asks when they get to the training area. Mostly everyone was already there.

"No. Have you?"

"Nope." Todoroki says.

"Then why bother asking?" Bakugou grumbles.

"I just wanted to know if you'd pull anything new on me." Todoroki says, stretching his arms. "Ready?"

"I'm not holding back." Bakugou warns him, smirking. He hasn't got to properly fight Todoroki since the sports festival. Maybe now he'll actually fight for real.

(a/n- no idea how to write a fight scene im sorry 😭)

Almost immediately Todoroki starts off with his ice wall, but Bakugou blows part of it up before it's able to get to him. He uses his explosions to get above him, and fires an ap shot at Todoroki. Todoroki just barely dodges it, and it scorches part of his p.e uniform. Bakugou uses the distraction to get closer to him, and fires another explosion that hits Todoroki's leg. Todoroki puts up another ice wall, but Bakugou uses his explosions again to get past it. Todoroki uses his flames to try and get Bakugou to stay away, but Bakugou accidentally barrels into him, and Todoroki's head hits the ground with a thud.

"Fuck, ow." Todoroki curses. Bakugou is on top of him, and starts charging a shot from above him. Todoroki's eyes go wide, and he genuinely looks terrified. Bakugou smirks, but Todoroki locks his legs around him and flips him over. Bakugou hits his head on the floor, and Todoroki has one of his arms pinned down, but not the other one. Bakugou fires and explosion, and Todoroki barely dodges again.

As Bakugou was about to deal his last blow from below, his quirk wouldn't work. What a great fucking time.

"Alright, thats enough." Aizawa says. "I thought we discussed no serious injuries, no?"

"Sorry, sensei." Todoroki says. He's still on top of me, but he has both hands on the ground by Bakugou's head now. He smiles down at him, sweat dripping off his forehead.

"That tired me out." He says, dropping himself onto Bakugou's chest, making him let out a groan.

"Get the fuck off me. Right now. I'll blast you to the moon." He threatens half-heartedly.

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