"So what happened?"

"I got put out for five days."


"Yeah, but Catherine over here got ten, because she threw the first punch."

"I see."

"Good, this will be a break for us for a few days."

Turning my head to Zach, he was leaning forward now staring ahead. I looked to where he was, and Amanda was leaning against the wall pouting. Looking away from her when the door opened, Mr. Ross came out of the room.

"Zachary, Melissa, please come in."

Standing up, I slowly followed the principal back in the office with Zach behind me. Sitting in the chair, I stared down to the floor.

"So what now?"

Turning my attention to Zach, he was leaning back looking relaxed. He seems like he has no worry in the world right now, and I leaned back in my seat. The principal then pushed a piece of paper over the desk toward us.

"Can you maybe explain this."

Leaning forward, I picked up the paper, and my eyes widen. It was that stupid thing Amanda made, and I frowned at it. The more I stared at it, the more I felt down, and the paper was then ripped from my hands. Looking up, Zach had crumbled the paper up, and had a pissed off expression on his face.

"Stupid Amanda made this thing."

Slamming the paper back on the table, I jumped at the noise. Gritting his teeth, I slowly reached forward touching his arm. I could feel the muscles tense, before he relaxed, and glanced over at me. Letting out a deep breath, he relaxed leaning back.


Looking back at the principal, he was staring at us shocked, before he composed himself, and folded his hands.

"No it's fine, but is it true Amanda made those."


"I see."

He sat back as well for a moment.

"Well I think that it's best to send you two home for today."

Staring at him shocked, I let out a sigh, before nodding my head.

Sitting back in the office, I was waiting for Aunt Cali to come and pick up Catherine and I. I seriously can't believe all of this happened today, and I let out another sigh. Zach said he would stay with me, but I told him to go ahead home before I did. So here I am with Catherine waiting for Aunt Cali to come get us.

"You Ok?"

Turning my attention to Catherine, she was staring at me worried.

"Yeah, just kind of tired."


A few more minutes, Aunt Cali came in the school. She had a frown on her face looking at us, and we both stood up. We didn't wait walking straight out the school, and down toward the car. I decided I wanted the back, so Catherine sat in the front. Putting my seatbelt on, I leaned my head against the window, and closed my eyes. I really can't believe that any of this really happened today, and I felt my fist ball up.

The ride was quiet until we got to my house, and I sighed getting out the car. Making it inside, we went to the living room sitting down on the couch, as Aunt Cali stood before us. Leaning back, I was kind of exhausted, but I guess we have to explain everything.

"So who wants to go first?"

Glancing at Catherine, she stared at me, and we both stared back at Aunt Cali. She looked angry, and her eyes laid on Catherine.

"Why are you put out of school?"

"I got in a fight with this girl."

She said nonchalantly, before leaning back folding her arms. Aunt Cali sighed, and turned her eyes toward me.

"And you?"

"I was kind of involved."

She sighed, and let her arms fall.

"I expect these things from Catherine, but not you Melissa."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"

Aunt Cali ignored Catherine, and I could see the disappointment in her eyes. Lowering my head, I squeezed my hands together for a moment, before I bit my lower lip. I could always tell her that it wasn't my fault, and that I was just out for a day, but that meant explaining everything.

"I'm sorry."

She soon touched my shoulder, and she gave me a worried look.

"Well it's over now, why don't you lay down. You seem kind of tired."


Standing up, I grabbed my bag, and left out of the room. Going upstairs, I went to my room closing my door. Walking to my bed, I sighed kicking my shoes off, before sitting down. Now that I was by myself, I just couldn't calm down, maybe I'll read a book until I fall asleep.

Pulling my bag to me, I pulled a book out, and a piece of paper fell to the floor. I paused for a moment staring at it, and I slowly bent over picking it up. Staring at it for a moment, I could feel my eyes burn. I understand that Amanda doesn't like me, but did she seriously have to go this far. I hear something hitting my window, and I turned my head to see rain. Yeah rain goes good with my mood right now, and the paper fell from my hands to the floor, as I fell on my side hiding my face in the pillow.

I didn't cry once in front of everyone, so... it should be ok to cry now right. Balling my fist in the blanket, I could feel my tears slowly soaking my pillow. It hurts, it hurts so much, I don't know what to do.

What do I do now?

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