Chapter One Hundred-One: Brother-In-Laws

Start from the beginning

"Hey, do you think you guys could come back to my house tomorrow or possibly the day after?" Nancy questioned once she got there.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" Steve questioned.

"I guess they're having a supply drive down at the school," Robin explained, "They're just getting anything that they might need for the people who lost their homes to the gates. They're setting up cots in the gym and collecting spare clothes and toys and canned food, stuff like that. We figured we'd gather stuff up and kind of use the Wheeler's place as a command center so we can just take all of our stuff to the school together."

"Uh, yeah, that sounds good." I agreed. "We'll take a look around back at our place, see what we've got to donate."

"That is if we have anything left to donate, with Eddie crashing at our place," Steve threw in, "I swear he's gonna eat us out of house and home." I shrugged.

"He nearly died trying to save the world. I think we can spare some Wheaties." I pointed out. "We'll probably run Dustin back to his place too, see if he has anything he wants to donate."

"Perfect," Nancy said, "I just kind of figured...however we can help, right?"

"Exactly." I agreed. "However we can help."


The entire following day was spent driving all over town to all of our friends' houses trying to gather donations. Steve and I kind of ended up being the transportation crew, taking people and boxes of donations all over town.

Basically, we spent most of the day driving between everyone else's houses and the Wheelers. We'd take them home, help them gather donations, and then we'd bring them back to the Wheelers for organization. We were also running back and forth from the hospital and our apartment taking people in shifts to stay with Max and Eddie.

We even ended up spending the night there so that we could have a sort of 'organization party'. Mrs. Wheeler made us a ton of food, and she and Holly even helped us get everything sorted so that the volunteers working at the school would have less to do. Once that was done, all we really had left to do was transport everything down to the school the following morning.

"It feels weird, sleeping down here again," I said, as we all settled down for bed that night, "I mean, I know it was just a few days ago but...everything feels so different now." 

"We went from try to save Hawkins to trying to repair the damage as much as we can." Robin said. "Its like a whole different chapter of the apocalypse."

"You should've seen the line that was driving out of town today," Steve spoke up from beside me, "I mean, I swear, probably a good 60-70% of people are shipping out for good."

"As if that's going to save them." Nancy stated. "At least...if Vecna gets his way."

"He won't," Dustin said, "Because we're going to stop him permanently the next time."

"We're ready for him now," I agreed, staring at the dark ceiling above me, "He may have caught us by surprise this time but...not again. Never again."

"Agreed." Lucas spoke up.

"We aren't gonna do anything if you kunckleheads don't shut up and go to sleep." Erica said drowsily. I smiled, shaking my head.

"She's probably right." Nancy agreed. "We've got a long day tomorrow. 

"I know I am."

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