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Rooster helps Kelsi back into her apartment. She technically wasn't allowed to leave the hospital for another few days. There was something that worked out in her favor, what was that thing you may ask... well it's something called 'Annoying the Everloving Shit Out of People.'

Pulling up to Kelsi's apartment, Rooster chuckles softly, "I can't believe that worked." He helps her out of the car and walks up to the house with her.

Kelsi simply shrugs as they go in and locks her door behind them, "When I want something to happen, I will sure as hell make it happen." Rooster looks down at her with a smirk on his face. Kelsi then punches his arm and rolls her eyes, "Keep your head out of the gutter!"

"Sorry sorry." Rooster chuckles.

"Nuh-uh! You are not sorry." Kelsi gives him a shit-eating grin.

"Yeah huh!"

"You lie!" Kelsi smiles and walks to her kitchen and grabs a beer out of her fridge.

"Noooo I would never lie." Rooster grabs a beer as well and leans against the counter across from her.

Kelsi turns around quickly with a blank face and holds her hand out to him dramatically, "Friends don't lie! You are like papa. Ahhhhhh!!!!"

"...What in the hell." Rooster bursts into uncontrollable laughter. He leans on the counter to keep himself from falling over.

Kelsi giggles and gives him a weird look, "What's so funny? I was just quoting Stranger Things."

Eventually, he pulls himself together. "You're such a dork you know that Williams?

Kelsi rolls her eyes and opens her beer. "I'm your dork." Her eyes widen and she looks down, realizing what she said.

Rooster looks at her and smiles softly, "You are aren't ya" He smiles and takes a drink of his beer.

Kelsi looks up at him and rolls her eyes, "Mhm, yeah I guess so Roosty."

Rooster chokes and looks at her wide-eyed, "Roosty? What the fuck?"

"Ok maybe it's not the best nickname but I have others." Kelsi holds her hand up signaling him to hold on. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and opens the notes app. "Ok so far I have; Roosty, Roost, Roo-Dawg that one is the cool way of spelling dog, Rooter, Rooty-Tooty, Pigeon a personal favorite of mine, Chicken, and Hooter.

Rooster stands there biting his lip to keep him from laughing.

"Now for the ones that go with your real name; Bradson, Shaw-Dude you know like... SuhhhDude," Kelsi starts giggling. "Shawty, Bread, Brad, Bitch and I mean that in the most loving way possible, Foghorn Leghorn, Hei Hei, Braddy, and finally Bra." Finally giving in, Rooster busts back into laughter, and Kelsi joins him soon after.

"T-that was- holy shit- w-when did you come up with those?"

"While we were on the beach." Kelsi smiles at him and takes a swig of her beer.

"You are something else, ya know that huh Smokin?"

"Yeah?" Kelsi stands up and goes so she's standing in front of him.


She smiles and nods, both of them falling into a comfortable silence. Rooster's phone dings and he checks it.

Kelsi looks at her beer can and slowly frowns. "Bradley?"

He looks up at her from his phone. "Hm?"

Kelsi stays looking down at her hands. "Who do you think is going on the mission?"

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