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I kinda had to break the last chapter into two so uhhhhh bear with me lol


With that Kelsi stands up. "I'm getting another beer, anybody want to tag along?"

Immediately Rooster goes to her side. "I will, I need another beer if I'm dealing with hangman's bull all night."

Kelsi smirks and starts walking. She nods, "I've only known the guy for like five minutes and he's already at the top of my hate list."

Rooster chuckles, "He's at the top of everyone's hate list."

Rooster sits at the bar and orders a beer then looks back at Kelsi, "What do you want?"

"Uh a Corona, thanks." Rooster nods and orders for her too.

To pass the time Kelsi decides to spark up a conversation

"So uh. How long have you been flying for?" She looks at the man next to her.

Rooster is completely spaced out staring at the man who has to buy the new rounds for everyone. She looks at the man and back at Rooster eyebrows furrowed. "Hello, earth to Rooster." Kelsi waves her hand in front of his face.


Rooster snaps out of it and looks back at her.

"Woah you were really spaced out there. You good dude?"

He looks back at the man he was looking at before and mutters. "I've been a hell of a lot better."

The bartender hands them their drinks. Rooster takes his and hands Kelsi hers then takes her hand and pulls her away from the bar.

"Hey, what the hell!" she takes her hand out of his grip and looks at him with her eyes wide. "What gives?"

He sighs and looks at the bar. "There's someone over there that I'm not really in the practice of talking to."

She furrows her eyebrows. "The poor old man with the bomber jacket? What did he do to you?"

Rooster shakes his head no. "Nothing you need to know."

"I'll make you a deal. How about you and me play pool and if you win I get to tell you something if I win you tell me something."

Rooster chuckles, "You sound like a high school girl."

"I mean I graduated three years ago so I practically am." Kelsi giggles and then looks at him sassily. "So you want to take the challenge or be a little wimp?"

Rooster smirks, "You're on Smokin"

The two of them go over to the pool table and start playing.



Kelsi leans over the pool table and lines up her last shot 100% focused.

Rooster squats next to her and whispers. "Don't mess up."

"shhhhhhh shut up," she mutters.

He stands up and stands behind her and leans over her, his chest against her back. "C'mon don't I make you nervous?"

Her eyes widen. He smirks, thinking he won.

Out of nowhere she rams the cue back into his stomach and takes the shot, sinking it. Rooster folds in half and groans. Smiling she jumps up and cheers.

"T-that was not fair." Rooster complains

"Awww all's fair in war and pool hon." Her country accent coming out a little.

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