Why me

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I suddenly started to scream loudly through the room as he looked at me full of confusion. I..
they kept looking at my naked body from head to toe.
My...my idol...Jamie..this..this is NOT how I wanted to be noticed by him!
"What the... who the hell are you??!!" He yelled
I started to look around me as I panicked .
Omg ... I need to hide... where should I hide??!
I hurriedly walked to the closet and his my body behind its door.
Why is jamie here??! Did I steal his room?!!WHY HIM??!!
I started to cry from embarrassment .
" I-I am so sorry.."
He saw it all.. every part of me.. he didn't even look away when he saw me..
" how did you get in here? Did you break in ?You dirty stalker" he said as he grabbed his phone, about to call someone.
Oh no.. he thinks that I am that kind of fans who is stalking him...
" No wait!! Please don't call anyone!It's really not what you think..please just let me explain .."I said in tears .
He looked up from his phone, his eyes looked at me full of disgust.It made want to end my life.Why is this happened to me??!
"Go put on some damn clothes first " he said in an angry tone.

The fact that I was still standing there naked made everything a thousand times worse!

"I-i can't... my clothes are wet."
My whole body was shivering. The way his eyes looked at me was so intimidating. As if he was ready to kill me. I've never seen jamie
like this...
He rolled his eyes in annoyance and grabbed a towel, throwing it at me. Oh god.., if I grab it, he will see my body again. he suddenly
turned away from me so he wouldn't see me. I carefully grabbed the towel and put it around my body.

" Now hury and tell me what are tou doing in my room all naked, cause I WILL call the police for this" He said in anger as he looked at me again.

His eyes were so scary... I could barely even get the words out..
I held on the towel tightly as I tried to speak up
"I.... I came from the concert... and my... my train it got cancelled... so I had nowhere to go... I thought..."
I stopped talking as his eyes were so focused on me. I didn't how to explain it... in the end I still committed a crime.. he will freaking give me in...

" So you sneaked inside my room? Thinking I would just let stay here if you showed your body to me? Are you freaking crazy?!"

"No it's not like that! I didn't know this was your room.. I just stole a random key card... I thought the personal who reserve this room wouldn't show up anymore.."

"You're insane!" He said as he took out his phone again.

"No please don't call the police!" I said as I walked to him and grabbed his phone out of despair.

His eyes looked at me, his gaze getting furious. Oh no .. I just made, it worse... He started to slowly walk closer to me as I slowly walked
backwards.. I stumbled against the bed and my body fell down on it. I quickly held the towel as it almost fell off.
Jamie's body came closer to mine.. his furious face kept looking at me.. my heart was really racing so fast. He suddenly grabbed the phone out of my hand. He was still so close to me as he stared deep into my eyes...

"Do not ever touch what's mine without my consent."

"I -I am sorry.." He scared me.. My idol scared me so much.

He moved away from me and walked away while I was still on the bed.I couldn't move from the shock. He was so close.. so damn close...
He suddenly threw some clothes at me .

"Wear this and get out of here right now"

I looked at it and grabbed them. It was his clothes...
He turned around again so I could change into it. This meant that he wasn't gonna call the cops..

My heart was still beating fast as I slowly took the towel off me. I started to put his clothes on. Some pants, a shirt and a hoodie on top
of it. Omg..... his clothes... are on my body..

"Thanks for the clothes and for not calling the police."

He walked towards the door and opened it

"Now leave.."

I started at him as I didn't move

"I ... don't know where to go ..it's late.. I'm scared.."

"That's not my damn problem, I said LEAVE!"

He was right... but I was desperate. I didn't know what else to do..where to go... I was crazy for even trying to stay here. But it was all I
could do.

"Can't I just... sleep on the ground... in the corner... you won't even notice I'm here I swear! Just until the morning... I-I don't wanna spend the night outside... you don't understand how it is for a girl to be alone at night... It makes me
desperate... I don't know what else to do"

He suddenly walked up to me and grabbed my arm .He grabbed me through the room towards the door.

"I'm not gonna deal with your damn problems,

he screamed at me. I got scared from his anger and froze.
"I... I'm sorry "
i said as I pushed my arm out of his grip. I grabbed my bag and clothes and walked out of his room.

I looked at his face one last time...

It turns out... he is not the angel I think he is...

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