It felt like a dream..

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We walked inside the room and jamie let go of my hand. I suddenly started to feel very nervous... I'll spend the night in his hotel room... I practically begged him for it...
But what now... what should I do... I started to walk to the corner and just stood there. I was so nervous. I didn't know what to say...what to do... how to move.. I just stood there still. I didn't even dare to look at Jamie .
I heard him taking off his jacket. Oh god.... it reminds me that an hour ago he saw me all naked.. this whole situation is actually so

"Are you gonna stand there the whole night?"
He said as I heard him sit on the bed. I slowly looked at him.

Damn... he is so hot.. it makes me feel worse! His gaze was so focused on me..... I felt intimidated by him. I just couldn't control my feelings.

"Ehm... yea I'll just sleep here on the ground"
My voice was shaking from the nerves.

He frowned at me.
" On the ground? Just like that?"

"Yea it's fine. I mean it's not like there is anything else I can sleep on... but the ground is perfect!"
I said as I awkwardly laughed.

He suddenly got up from the bed and walked towards me. He grabbed my body and lifted me up. Omg... what is he doing?!!

"Don't be so stupid"
He said and dropped my body on the bed.

"W-What are you doing?!"
I panicked as I felt his touch on my body.

"There is enough space on the bed, you can just sleep here."He said as he laid down next to me.

Holy shit.. is this really happening?!! I was so in shock I didn't know how to respond... his body was next to me.on the same bed.

this is crazy..

He turned his body towards me and looked at me. Omg... he is so gorgeous... my heart is gonna explode.

"Eh.. A-Are you okay with that?" I asked as I struggled to talk..

"I should ask you that question" He said in a deep voice, his eyes staring at me seductively.
What... what did he mean by that. I mean... we are sleeping on the same bed... is he suggesting he will do something to me... I'm always
imagining him doing things to me though... I want him in like every way...

" Ehm... I.... I don't mind"
I said as I gave him an awkward smile. He didn't look away from my face... his gaze was so intense ... it made me feel things... it made me
crave him so much.
Why...why did he look at me like that.. his gaze was driving me crazy..

"You look tired, we should sleep now" He said as his gaze still didn't change.
I was indeed tired. but I forget about my exhaustion from the moment I saw jamie .

"Yea..... you're right... you must be tired too... you did really great... at the concert"

He suddenly smiled at me and turned around, turning off the light. It was time to sleep.
I buried myself inside the blanket. We were sharing one bed.. one night..
I was wide awake. There was no way I was getting any sleep while being next to jamie . I could feel my body shivering.


I slowly turned around towards jamie . I looked at his face... he was so deeply asleep... he looked like an angel. How can someone look so beautiful in their sleep?
I couldn't look away... it felt so weird... cause this time I wasn't looking at my screen like usual... it was really him... right next to me.
I moved myself a little closer to him as I stared at him. My body feels a bit relaxed now... I tried to close my eyes.
He suddenly put his arm around me and pulled me in. He pressed me tightly against his body and held me in his arm. Omg... my whole body was wrapped inside his... my heart was
gonna explode from racing so fast.
He was holding me so tightly. his lips were touching my face.. they were so close to my lips... I tried to look up at him. His eyes were
closed... he must be cuddling me unconsciously.
His warmth..... his embrace.... it felt so good...I let myself relax inside of his arms and buried my face in his chest. He smells so good...
His face suddenly moved and I looked up. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. He didn't say anything as he kept staring at me, my
body still wrapped inside of his.
He slowly laid his hand on my cheek as his face came closer to me.My heart was beating so fast I could hear it through the whole room...

"You are so beautiful..."He said in a low voice.

He suddenly pressed his lips on mine and kissed me as he pressed me harder against him. My whole body tensed up from shock.. his lips
are on mine... jamie's lips...
It felt so good.. his touch... his lips... I was going insane!
He suddenly pulled away from the kiss and swiped my lips with his thumb as he looked at me.
"I'm sorry.. I got carried away. I shouldn't touch you like that." He said as he slowly loosened his grip on me.

He didn't want to make use of me... that's why he stopped. He let go of my body and moved away from me.

"But there's nothing wrong with cuddling right?"
I slowly said as I moved closer. He looked at me and smiled then he took me in his arms.
I buried myself inside his arms and slowly closed my eyes.
"What's your name?"
He whispered into my ear.

"It's brielle..'' I said as my eyes were still closed.

I felt so much at peace...

I woke up the next morning. He has already left...I didn't even notice him leaving... he just left without saying anything. It kinda hurted me.. the fact that he simply left without even saying a goodbye...
I shook my head off to get rid of the thoughts that were killing me then took my backpack and left the hotel to go to the train station so I can go home..

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