Chapter 12

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Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*

As a reminder : when it's Hao's POV, his thoughts are in *think* and the thoughts he hears are in *think*


In the woods


I'm sitting on the ground, my back on the tree and my hand on my chest, trying to stop the blood which can't stop flowing. My breath is difficult and my eyes start to close.

- "If you fall asleep, you will probably never wake up"

I open my eyes and see a girl about my age, crouching in front of me. She has black hair and brown eyes "That's not good at all" she says looking closer at my chest.

- "Who are you?" I say low

- "You can call me Ankou ! Nice to meet you ! You're the girl who doesn't see ghosts but had visions when you entered the Patch Village ?!" she says smiling with enthusiasm

- "H-how do you know that?" I say feeling dizzy

- "From a friend of mine !" she says without losing her smile "I need to go but don't worry. I hear someone arriving"

Ankou's leaving as I hear footsteps from behind me.

- "So, it's here the girls left you"

I look up and see Hao.

Hao's POV

- "The girls did get you this time. You're really in a bad shape" I say as I bend down to be at her level.

- "Y-yeah" Y/N says looking at me in the eyes before I hear a forced laugh "These bitches will pay me. I swear I'm gonna haunt them."

- "Ah ah not very smart, there are shamans after all" I say letting out a sincere laugh

- "Don't worry, I will find a way to piss them off" she sighs "Why are you here ?"

- "That's a good question. I don't even know myself" I say honestly

- "I - I don't want to die.." She looks at me with helpless eyes, then looks at the sky.

- "Hang on" I say as I pass one of my arms behind her back and the other under her legs. I stand up with Y/N in my arms, looking at me curiously "What are you doing ? Need my body for a sacrifice?"

- "AH AH where did you get this idea ?" I say laughing "Isn't there a doctor in Yoh's team? I'm taking you there. Well, if you're still alive"

She looks at me with thankful eyes then with embarrassed "T-thank you. And I don't know.. Is that true that you lived 1.000 years ago?"

*So, Anna told her before she told Yoh...*

- "Yeah"

- "How was it ?"

- "What ?"

- "Living 1.000 years ago... What was it like?"

- "Mmm, it's different. The world has really changed but not the humans" I look at her and see her head resting on my chest, her eyes closed and her breathing is slow. I raise my head and continue walking.

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