Chapter 2

589 10 1

Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*


Evening classes


      -   " (...) thank you for your attention. For the next time, I ask you to make a presentation in front of everyone, with your partner, about a subject of your choice. See you next time !" says the teacher as she packed her things.

    -   "Ok, looks fun." I say as a turn to Manta.

    -  "Yeah, so Y/N, do you have any preference about the subject ?"

    - "Not really. Mmm it's still early, do you want to discuss it around a meal ?"

    - "Yeah sure, I know a place ! Not far from here!"

Manta and I finished packing our things. We leave the building and go to a nice tiny Japanese restaurant. This is crowded. Luckily, there is a free table next to the window.

   - "Wouah, that's really cute ! How do you know this place ?"

   - "Ahah in fact, it's a friend of mine who showed me this pla-- ."

   - "Hey Manta ! Nice to see you here ! It's been days !"

I looked around to see who he's greeting Manta. I saw a guy with a smile on his face and orange headphones around his neck and he is wearing a white shirt and green pants. Just behind, a girl, just a little smaller than him. She's wearing a black dress and a red scarf around her head.

   - "Hi Yoh ! Hi Anna ! What are you doing here ? " Manta says cheerfully.

The guy named "Yoh" don't even have the chance to respond than the girl next to him says :

   - "We are here to eat, is that obvious ? and how is the girl with you? I don't know you have a girlfriend."

   -"N-no that's not it! She is Y/N, my teammate from my japanese class!" says Manta as he was blushing".

   -"Ahah yes ! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N!" I say as I stand up to greet them.

The girl looks intensely at me without shaking the hand I tend to her and says "Hello Y/N. I'm Anna and this is my fiancé, Yoh."

   - "Oh really ? You are fiancé ? Congratulations ! Since when ?" I happily say.

   - "It's an intrusive question. No one taught you manners ?"

*One minute. What did this bitch just say ? manners ? Where is hers? Ok Y/N. Breath. Keep it cool.*

   - "Ah-ah, sorry! I don't want you to make you inconfortable" I say with a half smile on my face.

   - "Ah-ah don't worry ! Actually, we've been engaged since we were 15" nicely says her fiancé.

   - "Ahah ok! That's nice. Congratulations" *Ahah what else can I say ? I'm curious to know if it's an arranged marriage but this girl still looks at me badly.*

   - "Yoh, why are you answering?" angrily says Anna.

Yoh nervously scratches the back of his head as he looks everywhere except in Anna direction.

   - "Ah-ah what about going to our table and ordering ?"

*Seriously ? What's with this girl ? The guy looks really sweet. I pity him.*

Anna looks around and there are no seats available except ...

*Ho no, please, not next to us..*

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