Chapter 4

454 13 0

Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*



In your apartment, a few days later

*I'm starving. What can I cook?* I open my fridge to find ... nothing. *Oh ok. Let's try the closet. Empty too. Great. I have to do the grocery.* I put my favorite jacket on, take my purse and keys and I'm ready to leave.

It's a nice day to walk. 

Ring Ring Ring

I picked up my phone:.

   - "Hello Y/N, It's Manta! How are you? I spoke with Yoh about our project. He agreed to help us. Will you be free this afternoon?"

   - " Hi Manta! I'm good and you? And yes, I'm free! It's very sweet of him !"

   - "Good! I will text you the address! See you there! "

   - "Ok thanks!"

I hung up and a few seconds later, I received the address. *It doesn't look too far from my apartment. Good. With that, I didn't even notice I was already at the store*

After picking all I need, I decide to bring a cake to Manta to thank him for welcoming me to his home. I'm going to pay my stuff when --

   - "What do you mean you don't accept the vouchers? "

   - "I'm sorry Miss, it--"

*Oh no. Please, for all the people I can cross, it should be her* I look around and see Anna looking at what she will put back. She raises her head and looks away when our eyes meet.

   - "Fine. I don't need this product anyways" says Anna.

*Arg. This girl looks so proud usually. I know this feeling, not enough money to buy the things I want and... I remember what Manta said about her. Great, I feel guilty*

   - " --- Miss, It will be X yens"

   - "Oh yeah, I'm sorry" *with Anna, I completely forgot about my own stuff.*  I take my wallet  "Excuse me Sir, may I have the grocery that the girl before me didn't take ?"

   - "Sure. With that, It'Il will be X yens."

   - "Thank you" I pay the price and I leave fast. Outside, I'm looking for Anna. *There, she is only a few meters away!*

  - "Hey Anna! Wait!"

She stops and turns around with an angry face: "What ? Are you here to make fun of me?"

I hang her bag with all the groceries she didn't take. " No. It's for you. I'm sorry about last night"

   - "I don't know what kind of game you play but I don't need your pity."

   - " Look Anna, I'm really sorry. Accept this as my apology." I say with a shy smile.

She looks at me for a moment then grabs the bag. "Fine, I take it but it doesn't mean we're even."

   - "Yeah sure, but it's not like you were the very friendliest person when we met ahah" I awkwardly say *Seriously ? You were a bitch that night.*

   - "So It's a reason to flirt with my fiancé?"

   - "No, you're right. I'm really sorry. Let's start with a clean state !" I say with a smile, I hold out my hand. "Let's be friends !"

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