Chapter 8

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Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*


-  In Asakura's House -

Wearing only a pair of pants and a towel around his neck, Mikihisa strolled through the corridors until he heard a noise through a door, he stopped in front of it and opened it.

Inside, Kino, kneeling in front of a girl with (your/color) hair lying on the floor with a few lit candles around her.

Mikihisa's POV

   - "Kino ? Everything is fine ?"

   - "Yeah." Kino says without even looking at me and continuing to turn around this girl

   - "Okay.. So what are you doing ? Who is this girl ?"

   - "This girl was brought to me by Anna. Her name is Y/N. She saw the guardian ghost of Yoh"

   - "Yeah. So what ? She is a shaman. It's not like it's a rare thing in this house"

   - "No. That's not what I mean. She saw it but not in this world. She dreamed it"

I walk into the room, close the door behind me and sit down. I take the teapot on the table and pour myself a cup while kino continues to circle around Y/N.

   - "Yes and ?" I say bringing the tea cup to my lips. I suddenly stop "That smell. Did you drug her? Why did you do that? What are you --- . Wait, don't tell me you think she's a dreamer? Their knowledge was lost a long time ago."

   - "Just because their knowledge is gone does not mean there is no one left to practice it. She meets Yoh shortly before the shaman fight, if she is really one, it may be fate. She can be an asset to beat Hao"

   - "So what? You want to send this girl to her certain death based on mere assumptions??"

   - "You think age has made me lose my mind?! I made him drink a tea that enhances psychic powers momentarily and I just finished the preparations for the ritual to increase spiritual connections. We will soon know what she is.. or what she isn't."

On these last words, Kino sits down in front of Y/N, still asleep. She starts to recite an incantation and invokes some spirits. The light of the room darkens, the atmosphere is heavy and only silence is heard in the room.

Suddenly, a wind blows into the room, extinguishing the candles, chasing away the heavy atmosphere and bringing back the brightness in the room. A few seconds later, Y/N begins to open her eyes, gets up with difficulty and takes her head in her hands.

   - "So, what did you see ?" Kino asks

   - "What was in my tea?!"

   - "Only a few herbs"

   - "Did you drug me?!"

    - "You didn't answer. What did you see?"

   - "I don't know what game you're playing at but I won't stay here. I'm going to get Anna and leave"

I look at Y/N leaving the room with anger. Then I look at Kino "Kino, are you alright ? Your nose is bleeding".

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