Chapter 9

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Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*


    -   In Y/N's appartement   -

Anna's POV

   - "Pack your suitcase, you come with me to the shaman fight"

   - "What ? Why ?" Y/N says perplexed, sitting on her bed.

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't escape the explanations

   - "Since you know the half story, I will tell you all I know. Hao is a powerful shaman from 1.000 years ago. He has a deep hatred for humans and wants only one thing, to eradicate them to create a world only for shamans. That is why, 1.000 years ago, the Asakura family stood up against him to stop him but it was already too late, Hao already knew how to use reincarnation. So, 500 years later, he came back to participate in the shaman fight to accomplish his goals but he was stopped. And now, he came back again, wishing to become shaman king, it's Yoh turn to stop him."

   - "..."


  - "Ah -ah ! Sorry ! It's .. just.. totally crazy! You realize that, right ?"

  - "Hao becomes more powerful after every reincarnation. Even if I'm sure Yoh is going to win, is not bad to have a plan B and have all the chances by our side."

   - "Okay.. Let's say I believe what you said, what does this have to do with me? You know I'm not a shaman, right ?"

*This girl really gets on my nerves !* I think, starting to lose patience.

   - "I know you're not a shaman ! But you're a dreamer. Before you ask, a dreamer is a person who can reach the astral plane while sleeping, to put it simply, while they sleep, their senses are more developed.. An ordinary person, when they dream, just.. live their dream without really interacting with their surroundings. Of course they can talk or react to their surroundings, but a dreamer will take control of their dream and change their surroundings to make it their own.if someone dreams that they are getting beaten up, they can't do anything to stop it, but a dreamer can change the situation and turn it to their advantage."

  - "Wait ? Only that? It doesn't seem like a big deal.." Y/N says

  - "Yeah. All depends on the dreamer's power. But trained dreamers can go as far as entering other people's dreams and taking possession of their dreams. In ancient times, they were highly respected by the most powerful and influential men. They used them as a weapon to infiltrate the dreams of their enemies to either discover their strategy or to influence them."

   - "And you think I have this power ? I agree I always love sleeping and I dream a lot but.." Y/N sighs and looks at me sorry "Y/N made a pause I'm sorry Anna, I don't have this ability. You're a shaman, with a whole shaman family so you don't already have 'a dreamer' in your entourage?"

  - "The dreamers were much less numerous than the shamans. A shaman knows when they see things that most people don't see, but for dreamers, most of the time,they spend their whole life unaware of their power. Enter into someone dreams, premonitory dreams, etc, with no one to teach them, their knowledge just disappeared"

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