9. High School Sweethearts

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"That's why I'm nervous. At my human school, I didn't make a good first impression. This is a chance to be seen as something other than a screw-up." She explained. "Hey, don't worry about what those dorks think. If you want my advice, walk into class and punch the first kid you see. To establish dominance." Mom recommended. "Aw. I won't be doing that but thanks." Luz smiled. "And Y/n, Bump is a huge softie, he doesn't hate anyone. And if the teachers like you or not don't matter. And who wouldn't want to be friends with you?" She asked me.

"I don't know, these people could be the worst." I assumed. "Well, you don't know that unless you talk to people." She lands and I land next to her. I get off and (P/N) sits on my shoulder. I grab my bag and I swing it over the other shoulder. "Last chance to back out and earn a new Bad Girl Coven patch. Quitting! It's like trying but easier." Mom told us.

"Nah, I'll just earn it when I quit showering." Luz shared. "I'll take it when I stop getting out of bed," I added. We were about to head inside when I felt a hand on my head. We both turn around. "Just try not to be too much of a goody loose shoes, Luz. And Y/n, I want you to finish my work. You guys got this." She winked at me. "Thanks!" We said in sync. "In fact, I have written a heartfelt sonnet to commemorate this occasion." She took out sock puppets. "Oops! A gust of wind got me. See you after school! Byeee!" She waved. "Come on, Luz." I put my hand on her shoulder.

I left Luz with Amity and I made my way to the doors. "At least you have great company," I told my palisman in my hands. They chirped and I smiled. I looked up but it was too late. I bumped into a girl who had spikes in her hair and a fish hook in her ear. "Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized. "Oh, it's okay, your owl is so cute." She pet the palisman in my hand. "Oh thank you, I carved him myself," I told her. "Well, I'm Viney! I can show you around if you want." She winked at me.

"Oh, that would be great! Emira and Edric are probably in their classes. Speaking of classes, I'm going to go get mine." I excused myself and I ran inside. I found the principal's room and Luz was waiting at the door. "Oh hello!" I greeted. (P/N) took a seat in my hair. She opened the door and Bump was at his desk. "Hiya, Princy-B. Can I call you that?" Luz asked. "Absolutely not." He replied.

"Now today we'll be visited by the Emperor's Coven for a routine inspection... An actual one." He scowled at me. "If we want to impress them, you'll need to join a coven track before they arrive." He told us. "Actually, Principal Bump, I've made my own schedule. First, vet care for mythical beasts, then healing and dealing, and then after lunch..." Luz showed him the paper.

He started to laugh. "Studying multiple tracks at once? No one does that." He shared. "Why not?" I asked him. "Because according to the rules, a good witch needs to hocus-focus." He told us. "Well, that's bananas!" I slammed the desk. "Did I use that right?" I whispered to Luz. She nodded her head and I look back at Bump.

"I don't know what those are, but you can only pick one of the nine tracks." He pointed at his banners. "And trust me, Clawthrone, you do not want to embarrass me in front of the inspector." He promised. "But I want to do all of them!" I complained. "Yeah, isn't there some sort of enchanted article of clothing that can sort this out for us?" Luz asked.

"Well, there to be but..." He shivered. "I don't know if I can choose just one," Luz told him. "Then I'll choose one for you. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Oh yes. The potions track. You humans ars filled with liquids, right?" He made her grey uniform turn yellow. "Oh, I guess I have always liked pouring things into other things." Luz sounded a bit disappointed.

"And for Ms. Clawthrone... Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Oh, you got the plant track." He changed my outfit to green. "Oh... Fun." I looked at my outfit. "I expect you to be on your best behavior. Based on the costly repairs from recent incidents, we could really use a donation from the Emperor's Coven. Now, off to class." He took us out of the room and I landed by a door. I sit down by a plant and the teacher walked around all of us. "Today we are learning how to take care of your plants.

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