At the concert

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I scream through the crowd as I watch jamie campbel bower  perform on stage
It was my first concert ever ..seeing my favorite Idol on stage was the craziest feeling ever.
I did everything I could to get noticed by him... but it was useless. He would never see me. He would never know I exist.

All i wanted was just a look of his eyes.
The whole night I just felt overwhelmed with emotions. I was sharing a beautiful moment with him..
The whole crowd was going crazy for him. It made me realise how loved he is  by so many people... it usually feels like it's just me
and him.
I'm already lucky enough to be here in this crowd... seeing him sing with so much passion , It just feels like a dream...
My eyes filled with tears as I watched jamie perform .. He means the world to me. He is my entire life. I love him so much..
If only day ... he will look back into my eyes. If only one day he'll know of my existence...
I wish one day he will stand in front of me and see me , notice me ,smile at me , look at me... And love me ...the way I love him..
I walk inside the building hall as the concert ended.
I felt so exhausted and dizzy... the whole place was so crowded. Everyone
had to go home. There wasn't even any space to walk. I can never get out of here like this.
I walked to a corner and sat down.
I decided to wait till the place became less crowded. I can barely ever walk right now...

I came to London all alone to see Jamie. I didn't really have any friends so it was just me.
But it was all worth it. I was able to see
him on stage. it was so amazing. I just... miss him already. The moment he leave... it just hurts. You wish you could just stay with Him and see him after the show.
You wish so many things... imagine so many things... but none of it really happens.
After all, we don't live inside some kind of fanfiction . This is the real world.. A world in which your idol will probably never know of your existence ,And we try to accept it, but we can't help but to get hurt.

An hour went by as i sat there waiting till everyone was gone. I looked at the timing. My last train will go in fifteen minutes so I better leave now.
I got up and left the bulging.

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