"I don't entertain grown men."

"You could try especially with a body like that," he said biting his lip. I couldn't believe this nigga, I wasn't some hoe off the street at his beck and call. If he was looking for that kind of secretary then this job was not for me. "I don't know who you think I am but I am not the one. If you wanted a secretary hoe then you should've hired someone else. I just lost my damn baby for crying out loud and you think it's okay to hit on me at every fucking chance you get and I for one am sick of it. You need to get yo hit together before I quit this damn job or punch you in the damn mouth!"

After that day he stopped talking to me; only talking to me when he needed something. It was like I was invisible and that shit got old quick, I wanted him to quit acting like an ass and now he was acting like a child. It got so bad it would call me into the office while other people were in there and prtend like I was some cheap help.

I was at my desk typing up his reports and he called me into his office. When I walked in there the other two businesses partners were in there as well. I walked to his desk and stood by hi side. "What can I do for you Mr. Wright?"

"I need you to redo the reports you turned in yesterday, they are all wrong."

"Okay I will get on that right away," I said collecting the old reports. "This time do it right, I pay you for accuracy not for your petty mistakes," he said making the other two laugh. I nodded and walked out of the room. At that moment I was done with his shit. I went and began writing my resonation. When his company finally left after thirty minutes I walked in. "What are you doing here, you have work to do," he said not looking at me. I threw my resonation on his desk and began to walk away. "Wait! What is this?"

"I quit you asshole," I said still walking. "Why?"

"Because you are an arrogant child. You think the world revolves around you and it doesn't. I am sick and tired of your bullshit, so I am quitting before I hurt your stupid ass. Find yourself a new damn secretary maybe you can sleep with her." Once I was done I continued my walk out of the office. "I'm sorry," he said as I reached for the knob. "I'm just not used to anyone saying no to me, I should've been more thoughtful. Please don't quit you are the best secretary I could ask for. I promise I will behave but I must say it's gonna be hard looking at you every day." He never stopped but at least he apologized.

From that day on we have been on good terms and we have even gotten closer. He has showed me what life could be like without all the complications of gang life and threats of revenge. He showed me that I could live a normal life and it looked good. True I still loved Kameron but at what point do you just call a quits and stop trying with someone who care less.

When I got home it was quiet just any other day. When I turned on the lights Kameron was sitting on the couch and scared the shit out of me. "What are doing here?"

"I need your help," he said standing up and showing his bloody back. It was a horrible site, "What happened to you?"

"I got shot," was all he provided, I knew it had to something to do with that damn gang. "What do you want me to do about it, you need a doctor."

"I cant go to the doctor, I need you to stitch me up."

"Stitch you up? I don't know how to stitch a person up."

"I will talk you through it, just help me." I looked into his eyes and I just couldn't say no. "Fine come on," I said heading to the bathroom. He followed and I got the things to sew with. He sat on the tolit with his back to me. I got a rag and wet it to clean his back. When it was clear enough I threaded the needle. "It's just like sewing clothes, just take your time." I took a deep breath and began. He twitched when I first put the needle though his skin but then got used to it as I continued. When I was done I felt like I was going to pass out and went to sit down.

He soon came out with a clean shirt on and sat by me. "Look I know this has been hard on you but this is almost over. I just need you to hang in their for me." I thought about his words but something in me clicked. Something I had been holding on to since this all started. "Do you even know why you are doing this?"

"Doing what? Going after Kacey, you know why."

"Do I? because ever sonce this war has started I haven't heard you mention our dead baby girl once. This whole damn time you have been focused on just getting Kacey not getting revenge for our child. I am suffering Kameron and not once have you cared enough to comfort me. I am done listening to your false promises and excuses."

"I didn't know you felt this way," he said quietly.

"Maybe because you haven't been around since the shit has happened! You expect me to be made of steel but I cant. I am dying inside and I have no one to go to; the main person I want to be with is so occupied with his own egotistical revenge, you don't even see me."

"You think it's easy for me to come back here when I know what happened is my fault. You think I can just look at you every day and not think about the dead baby girl I will never get to see. I am dead inside; this what I'm doing now is the only way I can feel anything. I need this, I need this so I can forget." I understood what it meant, it was the main reason I went to work but that doesn't mean I forgot about him. I needed him to forget too not just work but that didn't seem to be the case for him. He needed his job more than me and that hurt. I knew then that whatever I did or said next didn't really matter since I wasn't important to him anymore. I wanted this to work so badly but it takes more than one person.

"If you feel that way then there is no need for me to have this anymore," I said giving him back his ring. "You have your own way of dealing with things and I have to respect that but I cant continue to live behind the scenes." I got up and went into the bedroom and left him sitting there. Every step I took my heart broke into pieces, it wasn't the end to  us but it felt like it.

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