[Season 3] Chapter 44

Start from the beginning

"Of course you kiddos! Its the Ring of light festival! Lantern city in this kind of year Gets bright! So mind askin, watcha noticed about the lanterns and lamps?"

Giving them free Toys, Mk Scratched his Head while Mei Raised a brow "Uh...thank you for the toys, but Now that you asked the lanterns looking like Stars up here" Looking up the Blue Skies, the Crew Awed seeing alot of flying lanterns and kites.

"Yup! Legends says that the Great Sage Burried the Ring of light down the Soil of our Small Village!"

"Wait what?"

Snapping their necks to the Monkey king. Wukong whistled and Looked away from them "Hey! I throwed it down 3000 foot hole! But didn't expect the villagers to find it though" he Grinned, and Tripitaka Sighs Facepalming.

"Such great hiding spot my dear Disciple."

"Why thank you Master! I did my best looking for a perfect spot!"

Huffing proudly Tang Sweatdropped while Pigsy Groaned at him "no he didn't he just really throwed it in random hole and buried it deep" Snorting The king Glared at him, but The Monk Pinched his Ears.

The king has told them that the last samadhi ring is SOMWHERE hidden here in the city but yeah that's the problem.

It's a fucking city it's not like they have the fucking energy to circle the whole Lantern city or even Dive deep in the soil Eating old ancient Worms and Screaming "Rings of samadhi?! Where the fuck are you?!" Or something like that. "Wait so where just gonna let luck slap the samadhi rings on us? Like that?" Pigsy Exclaimed. Holding the Souvenirs the three kids just have Mei Lifted her glasses and Donghai did the Same.

"Of course not piggy! See the Map shows us that the ring must be hidden inside a-"

"The rings up there!"

"Nice Eye Master!"

Gawking at the two immortals. The others immediately Squashed beside them and stared at the Huge lantern glowing up in the middle of the City. Covered with gold and Iron Mei Awed.

"The shop owner did said that the ring is like The city's greatest Treasure. So it is only Right to Let it shine"

"Woah! That's a huge Lantern"

"But How are we gonna get the ring? That's Like Up the sky!"

Not even taking a glance Tang ripped one poster beside him. Showing Sandy the paper, The blue giant reads it for them.

"A talent show?"

"Wait what?"

"Hell naw we about to sing Barney song there"

"Actually....we have no choice..."

So by all means....they Goin to Participate in the talent show and win that Ring. But what if they didn't? Shit it's lantern city And Donghai once heard that Lantern city citizens got some rad skills that maybe her cranky ass can't dominate.

Now Having to walk in the City's main Square. Sandy took the lead to Ask around the Crowd, especially the Security guards and Staffs.

So eventually one nice lady gave them the Directions and they Finally found the Backstage. Which holy lord like Donghai said. Lantern city citizens ain't Playing around.

"Okay! We can do this! Here Mei you can play the Guzheng! Sandy you'll be the mass! Obviously."

"I mean obviously! But Sure Little guy!"

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