Chapter 4 - I found you

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As I was staring at the ceiling I noticed a hatch. It must be to the attic! My mom has been wondering where it was. Maybe I can just take a little peek there before I tell mom about it. I placed my chair right underneath and used a ruler to try to open the little door. I heard a click and suddenly it came a pair of stairs right towards my head and knocked me off the chair.
—Ow!! I said, with a low voice, so that mom wouldn't hear me. Well, if she didn't already hear the big crash when I fell...
I quickly got up on my feet and peeked through the door. It was all black, I could only see a light glimpse from the little window up there. I decided to climb up, even though I was actually afraid of the dark, and especially spiders.

As I got up I could see dust around the air in the little light coming from the window. It was a huge mess in here! There were cobwebs everywhere in every corner and the floor creaked when I walked. In the middle of the room there was a counter with a lot of books around it, and on top of all that was a little chest. The chest had a dark purple color and was elegantly decorated with gold on all the edges. It had a keyhole where the key was already in. What could be in there? I turned the key around, slowly, and carefully opened it. A necklace, as I thought. The necklace was also beautifully decorated with gold, with a golden chain that held a gorgeous purple crystal.
It was so pretty, so I decided to put it on. Just to try it...
But as I put the necklace on, I smelled a scent that seemed to be a mix of cinnamon, firewood and wax. The sun lurked behind the clouds and a mysterious light breeze went trough the room. The light breeze turned into strong wind, the books in front of me burst open and the pages flew rapidly up to form a tornado. I was in shock, and even more shocked as sparks and sparkles came out of the purple crystal on the necklace.
I suddenly hear a high-pitched voice..
—Yaaaaaaaa! Whoooohoo! Woah!.. Woahhhhhhhhh!!
Suddenly out of the tornado of book pages appeared a small purple figure. But wait, it was coming right towards me! Both me and the figure screamed as it crashed into me and we fell onto the floor.

—Oh wow! Well that was a ride! Said the little figure.
The figure turned it's head up to look at me.
It was a witch! But, a small and cute witch. She was around the same height as me and had a purple little dress and a big hat which were both decorated with gold, just like the necklace. This couldn't be real, it was like from a book or a movie. It had to be a dream...
—Hi! I'm Zi! You are?
I was too stunned to speak, but still managed to get something out.
—...I'm Eliza...
—How nice it is to meet you Eliza! I see you've got my necklace! This means we are now bonded together.
—Bonded together...? What do you mean by that? In what way? I asked.
—Well, that's just how it works. The necklace is a part of me, so if you wear the necklace, I am bonded with you! Zi explained.
—So, you'll like... help me with stuff or something?
—Yeah, something like that! I'll gladly help you with anything! She replied.
—Would you like any help now?
—I... No, no thank you. I am just in shock. This just can't be real... I said.
—I understand you're in shock, many of the bonders from before have also been shocked at first sight. But I swear I am harmless to everything that doesn't annoy me! She giggled.
Zi calmed me down with her kindness, even though I was still a little confused.
—Eliza! Mom shouted from downstairs.
—What was that noise?
—I just... I tried to come up with some excuse.
—I just fell.. off... my bed...!
How would she even believe that I would just randomly fall off my bed...
—Wow, the fact that she believed that. Zi said.
—Hey, I've got to go now unfortunately, but you can call me anytime if there is something you need help with or need me for! Great meeting you! She said, right before she vanished in a little wind of sparkles. I hid the necklace under my shirt and went down to my room again.

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