Chapter 3 - School Start

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Mom left off to work some time before me, so she had woken me up when she was about to leave and I had some time to relax. I first packed my bag, and took my time to eat breakfast. As time went, I already had to leave for school. I stood outside the house with my raincoat and hoodie on, and kept looking at our new house. I was actually supposed to go to school right now, but it was just something strange with that house. It gave me such a weird feeling.
I couldn't stand here and do nothing anymore, I had to get to school, so I started slowly walking over the the wet, leaf-covered road, leading out of the forest and into the town.

As I arrived, I could hear laughter. Laughs of people I've never met before. I get a feeling of that they'll be using the same laughter when laughing at me. I'm still not sure what they'd be laughing at me for, but I'm sure they'll find something. Something weird about me. Maybe for how I look, or how I talk? Or how I don't even talk at all.

There was an awkward silence in the classroom, the teacher had just introduced me to the others. They all had a dull expression on their face, I couldn't tell what they were feeling about me. We're they angry? Disgusted, for how I look? Or were they trying to hide their smirks, so that the teacher wouldn't get mad at them for laughing at me? Their facial expressions made me uncomfortable, I started sweating. But if I started sweating I'd start to smell, and then they'll definitely make fun of me.
—You can sit over there, Eliza, there in the back. The teacher said, and pointed at a little lonely desk, in the back of the classroom. Thank god, I'm sitting in the back! It's the best spot.
I was about to go to the little desk that my teacher had given me. But suddenly, I tripped! There was a stupid bag in the way! Who had put that bag there? Was it on purpose?
I tripped and fell over on my stomach, the whole class started laughing while the teacher tried helping me up on my feet again.

I then walked, humiliated, towards my desk, sat down, and tried to forget what happened. But when I was trying to forget, I just started remembering. And then I remembered something I saw right after I was told to get to my desk.
Under the desk that I walked past, I saw a foot pushing over the bag I tripped over. Someone did it on purpose!

I looked up to check who was sitting on that seat. A girl with dark blonde, straight hair was talking to someone on the right side of her desk again. She peeked at me over her shoulder once in a while, it was obvious that she was talking bad about me. Great, am I already getting bullied? And for what? She basically just gave me a reason to be bullied now. Like I didn't have a good enough reason from before.

Even though the school was small, they had a whole cantina. You can obviously guess that I was sitting alone. I sat by a round table in the corner, eating my bread slices with sweaty cheese. I didn't know there was a cantina, so I didn't bring any money to buy food like the others. They also sold little things like fruit, snack bars and chocolate milk. I really wanted chocolate milk right now, but I had only brought my own bottle of water.

In the gym, I was pretty much just pushed around. We were playing football, and when the teacher wasn't looking the others would push me away from the game. It could just be that everyone else also got pushed away, cause the others were just in a "game-on"-mode. But I felt like they we're only aiming it at me.

It was the same every day. I'd walk alone to school, eat alone, and be picked on by the others. What had I done towards them?
The days became weeks and overtime I was starting to feel... Well, nothing, except anxiousness. I was afraid that every little move I did would be seen and I'd look dumb. I lost motivation to do anything. I stopped doing homework cause I was so unmotivated. I was just laying in my bed all day. The teacher called my mom to say that I didn't do my homework and my mom wasn't happy with that. I was only getting bad grades on my tests, and my mom got even stricter with me as she heard all that. Overtime, my everyday schedule changed a lot. First I take forever to wake up, cause I'm tired. I get late to school and get marks for it. I have to deal with the others picking on me. Try to survive gym. Get home and be yelled at by mom for my bad grades. Spend the rest of my day in my room doing nothing. Skip sleep to just play on my laptop. And then it just repeats.

I started overthinking everything I did. Every choice I had to make, I overthought. Was I gonna do my homework and get good grades, but waste my time or should I just skip it, get bad grades, though get more time to do my own stuff? Why would any of them even do me any good? Why does everything have to be difficult?

I was tired of thinking like this. I felt like I was lost in a huge room of nothingness. I decided to try to do something, even though I wasn't motivated, it was for my own good. I thought of things I could possibly do. Maybe draw or paint? But what should I paint? Maybe write something? Don't have any inspiration, and it will take me forever. Play outside? I hate being outside, that will just be torture for myself.

I threw my self onto my bed. I was tired. My eyes became all blurry, I'm not sure if it was because I had barely slept, or if it was because I was tearing up. As I wiped away my tears, I stared at the ceiling. They we're poorly painted with white, and some planks were thinner than the others. It's so unnecessary to even think about this, but it distracts me.

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