Chapter 6 - Closure

Start from the beginning

"You're going to do my laundry?" Porter perked up.

"No, you're going to do your own damn laundry," Lorelai rolled her eyes. "I didn't say you have a mate to do your laundry, I said you have a mate, and it's my job to make sure you don't act like you're still a single teenage boy. You're a fully grown adult wolf, take care of yourself."

Celie and Harper shared a grin before struggling to keep a straight face.

"As much as I appreciate the gesture, Lore," Celie said, patting her arm. "In this case we really don't have time, we only have two hours before we need to head to the pack, so only enough for one load. Give me the clothes you two want to wear for this weekend and I'll throw them in with Eden and my clothes. When we get back Porter can do everyone's laundry as penance!"

"I like that idea," Lorelai smirked at a frowning Porter. "Time to make up for all that Celie has done spoiling your ass."

"Cel doesn't spoil me," Porter protested.

"Have you done a load of laundry since you started staying here a month ago?" Lorelai asked, eyebrow raised, smirk fully formed on her face. "I didn't hear your answer...Is that a no?"

"I'll get some jeans and t shirts," Porter grumbled as he went toward his room.

Lorelai and Celie burst out laughing the minute he went up the stairs.

"You've been spoiling him, Celie," Lorelai admonished. "He's used to being waited on hand and foot!"

"I've treated him like a little brother, Lore," Celie laughed. "We started hanging out when he was twelve, I wouldn't trust him to use the washer back then, just got into the habit. Besides, I'm like the laundry queen. It's the one chore Harper hates with a passion so it's the one I always do without thinking. You should have seen us when we were younger, we'd get up early and she'd go to school, I'd go to work, we'd get home and she'd study while I cooked, then she'd clean while I painted, and we'd fall asleep together on the couch. Her with a textbook in her hands, me with a sketchbook in mine. We were like a well-oiled machine!"

"It's amazing to me that you two have been together and this close for so long," Lorelai said, her eyes a little wistful. "I can't even imagine being that close to someone."

"Well, I can't imagine not having my Cel around," Harper said, looping an arm over Celie's shoulder. "She's literally been there with me my whole life, we practically lived together as kids. My mom and dad were the betas, her mom and dad were the lead trainer and head warrior, and they were all best friends with the alpha and luna. Callum and Reese hung out, Cel and I hung out."

"Then I'm surprised Reese was such an asshole to you guys, I would have thought you'd all be friends," Porter said, coming back with an armload of clothes.

"We never hung out, even as little kids," Celie shrugged. "Little boys don't like girls because they aren't cool, and little girls don't like boys because they have cooties."

"Plus, we always hung out with our moms and the luna, I was reading, Celie was drawing, and sometimes we'd all cook," Harper said. "The boys usually did their own thing, neither of us were tomboys and we shared no interests with them at all. I think if our mother's had lived, things would have been a lot different."

"Yeah," Celie sighed. "They were the ones who held everything together."

"So, you guys get your laundry going and get a snack or whatever and let's get out of here on time, we have a lot to tell you once we head out tonight," Harper said.

"What's up?" Celie stopped and turned to Harper with a frown.

"We had an unexpected visitor today," Harper said, pursing her lips. "Go...get your laundry started and get ready for the flight, we have time to talk when we're in the air."

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