I send Heath a text assuming he was awake since it was eleven am.
Sleep good , night walker?

I turn off my phone and just wait for him to eventually respond, if he does that is.

"Him? Who is he and do I know him?" Lola wiggles her brows, taking in a bite of her noodles.

"Did you see that guy I was with last night, at the tattoo shop? Tall, grayish eyes, looked serious and scary?" I describe and she nods.

"The hot one? Duh, I remember" She responds.

" Yeah well anyways it's him, his names Heath and I met him in an alley when I was walking home one night. I thought he was a hobo at first but turns out he wasn't and now we're friends." I give a brief explanation.

"He's definitely hot. You sure he's not your type?" She asks.

"I never said that.." she gives me a look but I quickly shut it down.

"But we're just friends, so what if he's good looking? I don't even think he likes me too much." I tell her and she raises a brow.

"Who could not like you? You're so funny and nice and pretty, have you seen yourself? You have it all, I'm jealous." Lola compliments and I start think about it.

"I do, don't I? " I might actually start to believe her if I think about it.

"Don't boost my ego, it's somewhat already huge." I said although I brush it off.

You know what else is huge...

"Anyway, enough about me. Your relationship is just so perfect, I hope you know I'm your number one supporter." She smiles, slightly blushing.

"And I'll be your number one supporter when you get yourself a boyfriend. With whoever's lucky enough to make you their girlfriend." She says and I think I'm about to cry.

"You're like so nice, it's oddly weird. But I'm not complaining. Now let's go, I need to buy more clothes." I stand up and she laughs standing up too as we walk to the next store.

In all honesty I didn't need anymore clothes, I had enough to where nothing would fit in my closet but I liked shopping. And it was 10x more fun with a friend so that's my reasoning for buying 10x the more amount of clothes I would usually buy.

"I don't have anymore money, I didn't even buy that much." I sigh, looking at my bags.

"Mateo says I have a shopping addiction, if only he could see you." Lola's eyes widen as she looks at my hands full of shopping bags.

"What? It's not that much." I shrug, okay she's being dramatic.

"There's at least ten different bags." She says and I look down, okay maybe she's right.

"What can I say? It's a problem." I shrug and struggle to walk away as my arms are full.

As we're walking back to her car I hear a phone ring and I don't think much about it until I remember how I texted Heath earlier. I check to see if it's him, I struggle a bit trying to find my pocket.

I suddenly feel myself leaning too far and I fall on my butt. Lola turns around at the sound and let's out a laugh.

"Are you okay?" She asks even though she's still laughing.

Let me love you Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя