"Burnt all the way." 

"Exactly!" I said as Trinity gave Tara a high-five. 

"You must by Kyla. I'm Tara." She said, sticking out her hand to shake mine. 

"That's me. Nice to meet you." I said, shaking her hand. 

"Hi Ashley. How are you?" 

"I'm good. How are you?" She asked. 

"Pretty good. I'm gonna go make a s'more." And Tara left. 

Ashley sat down, and I sat down right next to her, pressed against her. 

"No need to be shy." She whispered. 

"There's just a lot of people here that I don't know." 

"It's fine! Let's go meet some of the others." 

Ashley took me around to meet all the other girls there, starting with Bayley Feist and Anna Heilfrety. 

After a half an hour, everyone just sat down around the fire and we were just talking and hanging out. It was also freezing, but I wasn't gonna complain. 

"Kelley can I please use your bathroom?" I asked. 

"Of course. I'll show you where it is." She said. 

"I got it. I have to go too anyway." Ashley said, standing up. 

I did the same and followed her. 

"You having fun?" She asked. 

"Yeah. Everyone's super cool." I replied. 

"I just have a question." She said. 

"Ask away." 

"What are we?" 

"Oh great." 

"I'm serious! Kelley sees it! So are we going to say it or not?" Asked Ashley. 

"But Trinity....she'll be upset, don't you think?" 

"Upset? That's stupid." 

"What if something happens between us? Won't that be bad for her?" 

"Nothing's gonna happen. I promise." 

"How do you know?"

"I just do." She said, and she kissed me. 

"You keep kissing me like that and leaving you for Tara wouldn't even be on the table anymore." I laughed. 

"Shut up." SHe shoved me a bit, laughing. 

"I'm kidding. I really am!" I said, tucking my brown hair behind my ear. "I'm joking." 

"Yeah you better be." Ashley kissed me again. 

The back door opened, and I jumped away from her so fast. 

"Close proximity there, you guys." Tara laughed. 

"Just telling her a secret." Ashley said. 

"If that secret involves touching lips, I think I know it." 

"Shit." I whispered. 

"Don't worry about it. This never happened. I never saw you guys." She said, grabbing the paper towels and walking out the back door again. 

"Will she tell?" I asked. 

"I think we're okay." Ashley had kept the same wide-eyed look on her face the whole time. 

"Let me actually go to the bathroom, then we can regroup." I said, walking to the bathroom.

"Sounds good." 

Once I got out, she went in, and I just went outside because I didn't feel like dealing with that right now. 

I sat down next to Trinity and moved in close to her, trying to stay warm. It wasn't really working very well because of our big coats though. 

"Someone's tired." She laughed. 

"Who me?" I asked. 

"You only get cuddly when you're tired." 

"Shut up." I said. 

"You've been like that forever. Remember that time that your boyfriend was over when we were, like 15 or 16, and he put his arm around you and you just took a pillow and put it behind your head instead?" Trinity laughed so hard trying to tell the story that everyone else was laughing too. "That was one of the many missed signals from him." 

"I'm not very good at reading signals! So what?" I said. 

"It was just hilarious." 

"Not that funny." I rolled my eyes. "No funnier than the time that you liked that guy and were so desperate for his attention that you broke your finger trying to play me in basketball in gym class." 

"That was sad, not funny." 

"But how you did it was the best. You went in for a layup and ran right into me, you fell over, and HIS FRIEND STEPPED ON IT!" I laughed. 

"So it wasn't even the action of playing basketball. It was the action of falling over after running into someone and getting stepped on." Sonnett laughed. 

"Yep!" I said. 

"Hey Kyla? Can you come here for a minute?" Ashley asked from the house. 

"Um, sure." I said and went inside to see what she wanted. 

Fearless - Ashley SanchezWhere stories live. Discover now