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the adventure begins a few kilocycles before the great civil war's start. it begins at one of Iacons greatest med bays where one of the leading doctors storms out with such fury on her face. another doctor follows after her. "Stinger wait please do not leave!" says the mech
"I keep getting harrassed at this place! how in the name of primus do you expect me to stay!" Stinger yells as a few of the nurses watch from the open doorway.
"you should have expected this from what you decided to do," the mech says placing his servo over his faceplates.
"I should expect a place like this to fragging hold more adult minded bots and especially from you Ratchet!" yes the young mech that stands before her is a younger Ratchet for those who maybe confused.
"well with what you did it isn't a very popular choice now is it."

" its not that it isn't popular its that people cannot except that this is a thing that is happening," Stinger says with a upset tone ," that is why I am quitting this job, to prove a point that acting like a sparkling will not be tolerated by femmes like me!" Stinger begins to walk away as the nurses murmur with both excitement and worriment. Ratchet tries to chase after her as the nurses run up to Ratchet to stop him and slowly begins to bring him back to the med bay so he doesn't do the same. Ratchet looks back to Stinger with regret as he loses sight of her when he is pulled back into the med bay. Stinger walks further and further away from what used to be her life long dream now had turned into her nightmare of awful, cruel bots. coolant began to fall from Stingers optics as she begins to realize that if bots in Iacon are gonna be this horrible then the rest of cybertron is gonna act the same way. 

Stinger realized there isn't a lot of hope out there for bots like her. then the idea began to grow. she wasn't alone there are other bots like her who are willing to agree about how it is wrong to judge others by there choices and there looks. They would be willing to leave such a horrible place together as a group... a team... maybe a family. Stinger shook her helm not wanting to get too far ahead of herself. she understands that now her new dream to create a sanctuary for those who are different and to keep them safe from the cruel hands of this society. a smile creeped up on her face as she begun to look for bots who where attacked and hurt by the injustice of this planet. 

Stinger walks down the streets of Iacon looking for those she can recruit. but for the longest of time she couldn't find any to recruit until she heard the sound of groans and sounds of scuffling. Stinger walks over that way to find that two bots where in a fight against a group of spoiled rotten young mechs. 
" you two should just go and fall down into the pit of unicron and be smelted," the tall and slender mech said to the duo.
" what have we ever done to any of you?" one of the two bots say it being hard to see who this one is due to the cloak that he wore.
" you existed that is why we want you gone you freaks!" another mech said this one more plump. Stinger couldn't hear another word of this and runs to the two bots defense.
"hey why dont you all just frag off from them you aft heads!" Stinger says with anger in her voice.

"oooh a femme is gonna scare me off why dont you go back to your nurse job," the more normal looking out of the three says causing the trio to laugh.
"hey dont be so judgmental for all you could know she could be a surgeon!" the other bot of the duo says him looking more sick and more beast like than any of the others.
"your close im a doctor," Stinger says standing in front of the duo to keep them safe.
"well if you want us to leave them alone then you could do a little something for us then," the slender bot says with a chuckle. 
"why in the name of primus would you want me to do that with one a bot that could be considered a pen, another who I could kick around like a ball, and you just absolutely not! how about i kick your afts instead!" Stinger says raising her fists. the trio looks at each other and began to laugh.
"oh this is gonna be so much fun," the plump mech says as all three mechs close in on the other three. they begin to prepare to attack the other group when all six are interrupted by the sound of a staff hitting the ground, making them all stare at the stranger.

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