Ch-15: American offerings and another flybye

Start from the beginning

"Qua Toyne and Quila are democracys now? Thats news to me." Mugie was quite surprised at this development. But this probably happend a while ago and the news hadn't quite reached Mu yet.

"Yes they are. It took awhile but our influence indirectly changed the politics of those nations. But you don't hear us complaining."

The Vice president tapped John on the shoulder. John turned to look at his Vice president "President McNeely don't you think its about time you get back on track?"

John quickly turn back towards Mugie. "Right, right, Ambassador Mugie could you please get to the point."

"Of course president John. What im asking is could Mu possibly join the Alliance?"

John eyes widened is surprise. But he quickly regained his composer and replied. "Well to answer your question, yes you could. But it will take some time for you to gain our trust. Just because Mu is a democratic nation does not mean it can just join. And besides isn't Mu apart of an alliance already?"

"That is true president John. But the Alliance isn't exactly very friendly. We have to constantly deal with the arrogant Milishials. And the Alliance isn't really beneficial. But the Alliance of Free Nations however is a far better alternative, as those in the Alliance are treated as equals no matter how weak they are."

John smiled at that. "Tell you what. If you talk to your president tell him Mu can earn its invitation into the Alliance by helping us with some errands when we ask them to."

Mugie smiled back and quickly replied. "The president would most likely agree with this once he sees what this nation has to give."

"Thats great to hear but i believe its time to talk about those trade deals."

"I agree president John."

American and Muan trade deal

The Republic of Mu will trade raw materials and magic jems for upgraded infrastructure and late 1920s American technology.

"Here is the trade deal ambassador. I hope its to your governments liking." President John said giving him the trade documents and holding out his hand to Mugie.

"I sure hope so myself. But i believe its time i return to Mu."

As Mugie stopped shaking his hand turned around John spoke to him before he left the room. "Before you leave tell president Encinco that he should send ambassadors to other nations besides America."

"I'll keep that in mind president John."

Mugie turned back towards the door to leave but once again John stopped him. "One last thing." Mugie turned back and saw the vice president hand John a set of documents. "We were able to steal some documents from the Gra Valkans. And we aquired their plans for Mu and the surrounding nations. And lets say its not very good."

John handed over the documents to Mugie. He opened the documents and read them. His face quickly became one of shock. "T-thank you for this information. I can tell you for a fact that we will put this to good use."

Mugie put the documents in his bag and looked back at John. "Is there anything else?"

"No ambassador Mugie there is not."

Both Mugie and John said goodbye one last time before Mugie finally left.

Annonrial Empire

It has been awhile since the last reconnaissance mission over Annonrial airspace.

This time three SR-72Ds would fly over the secretive nation.

But just like the first time the Annonrials couldn't do anything.


In the emperor's throne room you could hear nothing but the screams of an angry dictator.

"What do you mean three more of those aircraft have entered our airspace!"

"Its as the report says my emperor. More of them have appeared."

"Well do we have any idea of where they came from?!"

"Not exactly but we do know they are coming from the direction of the 3rd civilization."

After a few more minutes of screaming the emperor had one final demand. "I demand that i am shown these aircraft that can reach up to mach fifteen!"

"At once my emperor! Please follow me to the destination."

Emperor Zaratosthra was led down towards the outside to view the aircraft. As soon as he got put side he saw one of the three aircraft. "Wait i thought there were three of them. Where the other two?"

"Well my emperor it appears that they are headed to the Pal Chimera."

"There headed where?! Tell the airforce i want those things shot down no matter the cost!" The emperor had a bit of fear in his voice as he demanded that.

"A-at once my emperor!"

With the SR-72Ds

The drones where quickly making there way towards the strange futuristic looking behemoth that the Annonrials had.

The point of this was to possible find out if they could extract some data from it through the SR-72Ds or if that didn't work get a better view of the area and send in some AIA agents to extract data from the inside.

"Mr. President the drones are getting close to the strange machine."

John watching through the cameras of the drones smiled. "Good, maybe with this we can further our understanding of these Annonrials."

However suddenly the SR-72Ds warning systems went off.

"Sir the drone is being targeted by surface to air missles!"

Even with this news John didn't stop smiling. "Thats perfectly fine. Remember not only can the SR-72D fly faster than the missles, but can also fire back if it must."

John kept watching the screen as the missles failed to hit their target exploding mid air.

However it didn't take long for some good news to reach the presidents ears. "Mr. President the SR-72Ds are extracting information from the machine! It appears to be in some sort of sleep mode waiting to be reactivated."

John's smile got even bigger. "Perfect. Soon we will gain the ability of star travel if this machine does what the researchers said it should due to its design. Humanity shall reach the stars!"

The entire room became engulfed by the sound of celebration. The thought of space travel in their lifetime was almost to much for them.

"Mr. President the drones have aquired all of the information the machine could provide. They are returning home!"

The end of Chapter 15.

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