Chapter 3: an inevitable war part 2 [updated]

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Two days after the meeting.

With the A.F.N fully mobilized they were ready to go to war.

Qua Toyne principality: Gim

General Moizi was ready for the more than likely invasion, but he wasn't ready for what the Lourians were going to do once they did invade.

January 5th 2019 earth calendar.

It was a normally stress filled day for General Moizi, but sadly this day in particular was going to be more than stressful.

At 12:34 PM the Lourian wyverns attacked.

Luckly for the Qua Toynians they were able two shoot down some of the wyverns thanks to the equipment from the A.F.N, but it wouldn't matter, they were already softened, and the Lourian ground forces would finish the job.

General Moizi: Damn it this isn't good. One of the lieutenants looked at him understandably and spoke up.

The Lieutenant: "sir i know things look bad but you have to remember about our allies. Moizi looked at him with a unsure expression. "How can you be so sure?"

The Lieutenant gave a thoughtful expression before saying. "Because unlike the other superpowers they care about what happens to innocent people even if they aren't their own."

Moizi smiled at that. "Yeah i guess you're right, but even so i don't believe they will make it to Gim in time."

The Lieutenant was just about to agree with him until they heard a weird chopping noise.

They looked in the direction of said noise and saw a bunch of aircraft as the A.F.N would call them.

General Moizi looked on in amazement at the aircraft opened up and droped 2'500 infantry aswell as 30 M1A3's (they decided to use an older model because a M1A6 was not needed) along with 55 M3A5's, 5 JagdabramsA1's , and 3 144 apex minotaurs with fifty five tons of supplies.

General Moizi was both amazed and terrified. "I-i... just what is all of this!"

Suddenly what seemed to be a U.R.A solder walked up to him. " Who is the commanding officer here."The solder asked.

General Moizi cleared his throat. "That would be me sir...?"

The solder immediately straightened up. "I am Colonel Jim Johnson, and i was chosen to command the A.F.N forces here at Gim!"

Moizi looked at him with a surprised expression. "A Colonel?" He asked. "Why didn't they send a General?"

Colonel Jim replied. Our doctrine is different than your's, the General's stay in the back and tell us colonels what to do via radio."

Moizi gave a thoughtful expression. "I guess that could work."

As soon as the conversation ended the Colonels radio came to life. [This is General James McConnell, both satellites and reconnaissance planes have detected movement towards Gim, get ready to fight.]

Colonel Jim grabbed his radio. "All units be advised hostile movement has been confirmed from the Lourian-Qua Toyne border moving towards Gim, get ready to kill."

A few minutes later the A.F.N forces have gotten to their places, ready to rain hellfire on the enemy combatants.

Meanwhile at sea.

Both a American and European fleet both equaling 22 ships in total was patrolling the Qua Toyne waters.

Suddenly 2.500 wooden ships approached bearing the Lourian flag.

The Lourians were astonished by the giant steel ships. "By the Gods the size of those ships."

By eyeing the ships the Lourian admiral estimated that the biggest ship bearing the American flag, was atleast 1.500 meters in length.

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