Chapter 6 The A.F.N decimates the British wannabes: part 1

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A/N im trying out a new writing style. Tell me what you think.

After the events of the last chapter the A.F.N had another meeting.

President John: "We gather here today to talk about the the Britannian's have to not just my people but the people of this Alliance."

The rest of the members stayed quiet.

President John: The Britannian's have taken our people and used them as bargaining tools for them and when we refused their offer they killed them like farm animals. This is nothing but them showing how morally corrupt they are.

The Russian President spoke up.

President Nicholas: "These Britannian's have proven themselves to be a threat to national security and must be delt with.

President John: we agree with you our Russian comrades. This wannabe British Empire must fall to guarantee the safety of our people. We must start planning.

With the meeting coming to an end a few hours later it was decided that the A.F.N would declare war on the Britannian's.

The Britannian's foolishly believe the A.F.N has been weakend by their war against Louria. But soon they shall have there Great Awakening.

The plans are simple.

First step: Destroy the Britannian navy.

Second step: Destroy the Britannian industrial zones.

Third step: Land on two separate beach heads.

Forth step: Link up an encircle vast amounts of Britannian solders.

Step five: Push towards the Britannian capital.

With the equipment for the invasion of Britannia underway R&D has been making considerable breakthroughs with the magic gems they have been receiving from the Rhodesian continent.

They have been able to make a heat shield with the blue gems for the new F-66. While the multi-role fighter was a breakthrough of its own it had massive heat problems that would make it to where it have to be repaired every time it entered re-entry speeds.

But thanks to the new heat shield the fighter could enter re-entry speeds without any problems.

As well as an energy shield by using the yellow gems for the newest Alpha class aircraft carrier the USS La Plata and the new arsenal bird which both will be finished two weeks from now.

As well as the new Mexico city class Railgun Destroys that will be finished within a month.

Final preparations.

It was decided that the American, European, and Japanese fleets would strike the southern coast while the Russian, Chinese, Nipponese, Indo-chinese, and Oceanic fleets would strike the eastern coast.

On the way there the USS Brasilia the Alpha class aircraft carrier of the 4th naval strike fleet was sailing next to the Europa class aircraft carrier the FRE Romana which was the one of the three mega Aircraft carrier's Europe have made.

On the USS Brasilia Admiral Francisco Carlos made contact with the European aircraft carrier.

Admiral Francisco: this is Admiral Francisco of the USS Brasilia. Are you Europeans ready to rain hell on these fuckers.

Admiral Mihai: This is Admiral Muhau if the FRE Romana, of course we are you gun loving nutjobs.

Admiral Francisco: good.

The first part of step one was too quickly find the Britannian's navy with both satellites and reconnaissance planes.

With the launch of the new reconnaissance drone the SR-72 son of blackbird it wouldn't be too hard.

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