10- forever and always

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authors note : hey yall, so before we finish this bitch, I just wanted to say thank you for all the love and support. I will be releasing a Steve fic soon, very soon like later this week! Follow for more updates. This chapter will be split into their separate POV's just like the show but will not be happening in real time, you will read josies part first then Eddies. Hope you enjoy. 

Josephine Buckley~

Eddie opened the window to the trailer, sticking his head outside. "Hide in a memory please, whatever is your happiest please" he begged, tears streaming down his face.

"Your my happiest memory." I said, kissing his face before walking up to meet the kids.

Max, Lucas, Erica and I walked into the house. Splitting up between the three floors, Erica and I staying on the first floor and walking around. It was dead silent in the house, no one speaking.

After not long Erica came over to me, writing on the notepad. I found him

I nodded, writing go tell Lucas and Max on my paper. Bringing my light over to the room where Erica was in, watching my lamp start to shake. The rest joined me downstairs, watching as I took off my headphones.

"I'm here. I'm ready" I said, my voice wavering a bit before I thought of what to say next. My heart pounding as I spoke, I could feel him.

"Hey asshole, I'm here. What are you waiting for asshole?" I snapped, getting frustrated with the monster. "I'm right here!" Lucas tapped my shoulder, his notepad showing Keep going scrawled across it. I nodded before continuing, my mind moving at the speed of light.

"I know you can hear me Henry. I know you can read my thoughts, even the worst ones. The ones I'm ashamed of. The ones I wouldn't dare speak, wouldn't dare even write in my diary." I said, thinking about how to lure him in, "I thought about what you said, about me letting Andy die, about how I'm the reason my dad died, how I wanted Andy to die. I thought you were trying to upset me, scare me. But I knew deep down you were telling the truth."

My light didn't move, it stayed the same as the one on the table kept shaking. I had to keep going, it wasn't the truth, none of it. No matter how terrible Andy was, I never wished him dead. Never.

"Andy made my life a living hell, so sometimes when I lay in bed at night, I would imagine how maybe he would get hit in the head with a basketball and get brain damage, or he would get shot while hunting, or some freak of nature accident would take him out. I wanted him to leave me alone, so maybe that's why the day you killed him, I just let it happen, didn't tell him about the music, didn't sing, didn't do anything to help. I was weak. I am weak." Tears we're streaming down my face. I wasn't weak, I knew I wasn't, but some weight was lifted off of me. None of it was true but for some reason talking about the fear of Andy, even if most of it was bull, it felt freeing almost. I had started to walk up to the attic, sitting down in front of a light in the middle of the attic.

"So now when I sit with Eddie, and try to let myself fall in love with him, because god do I love him. I feel guilty I can't let go, and it's because I knew deep down that I prayed so little time ago that I wanted to be taken with Andy. Taken to my impending doom. And yet, I never did it, maybe I was weak, maybe I was scared, but I'm ready. I'm ready to not be scared anymore, I'm here, I'm not running. I'm not running this time." I said, his light immediately shifting over to mine. I had him.

"Is that all true? You wanted Andy to die?" Max asked, her eyes filled with tears.

"Why are you talking? Stop put your headphones on Maxine"

"Do you think that about us? About Eddie? About Robin?" Lucas asked

"Stop both of you stop" I pleaded, he couldn't take them.

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