7- pixies

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Eddie Munson~

"So either there's a super big magnet around or..." Dustin started, his words trailing off before Lucas finished it.

"There's a gate" Lucas said

"But were nowhere near the lab?" Nancy asked, none of it made any sense to me. Sure I understood all the dungeons and dragons lingo but it being in our world didn't quite click. My two realms never mixed for real so for it to be really happening was mind boggling.

"But what if there's another gate" Dustin said, I turned to look down towards the rock to find Josie just sitting there. I slowly rose from my squat fearing the worst. It was happening. I didn't know what to do for a moment. Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head, her entire body shaking. My mind went blank for a moment before going into panic mode.Well not panic mode, I didn't have the luxury of panic. I went into mom mode.

"Max! Robin! Get her music now!" I yelled, the two girls running over with headphones and cassettes not long after.

"Which one?" Max yelled

"Mr. Greives! Pixies!!!" I yelled back, remembering the conversation from earlier where she told me her favorite song. They quickly grabbed the music putting the headphones on but nothing changed. Her body started to float up.

"No! Fuck no. Fuck no. Come on Jo please god please" I begged on my hands and knees.But she just kept going.

Josephine Buckley~

I went to reach for the letter, I had hope for once, hope that maybe it would work out in the end. Boy was I wrong. As I turned around the world around me went cold. Everything was blue and the group was no longer behind me bickering. What I would give for Steve and Dustin to be arguing in my ear right about now.

"Good morning dear, I met your lovely boyfriend" his voice said, loud and crisp. Just like it always was in the mornings, he was always happier in the mornings. I knew immediately, no one else sounded like that, so poised, so perfect to me. It wasn't real though, my brain knew it was all fake, all Vecna. Something inside of me wanted it to really be my dad, that he faked his own death and moved away, but I knew deep down it wasn't.

"Ex now, you know since you watched me die" Another man appeared out of the fog, a man I was much less happy to see.

"I couldn't do anything it wasn't my fault"

"That's what you always used to say, but you were the reason I drank and probably the reason Andy here had to man up and take matters into his own hands." My dad said, I knew it wasn't how he really felt. Dad would never lay a hand on a woman, more accurately he would never hurt a fly. He would open every window in the house because he would rather chance getting more bugs in the house than hurt an innocent one.

"Oh is that what you call it?" I asked, turning around and sprinting away

"We do Jo baby we do. Now it's time for you to join us, join us and you'll never feel guilty again." He said again

"I don't feel guilty." I said trying to convince myself

"We all three know that's a lie dearest" My dad said

"I'm not lying, I don't feel guilty"

"So you don't feel guilty that you were a little relieved when i died. A little relieved when freak Eddie Munson decided to let your whore-ass have sex with him. A little relieved when you were chosen to die because we all know you've been thinking about it a lot!" Andy said, his voice growing louder and louder, hurting my ears.

"Stop treating me like this Andy, you aren't real. You aren't even Andy, I'm not that dense Vecna" I said turning around to the single man now

"Oh if you are so smart and perfect why aren't your friends trying to save you?" He asked

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