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The Battle of New York(2012)

Percy gapes. Starstruck unapologetically gapes. Like a fish out of water. And no, It is not because of the bald, yellow raincoat monk doing sparkly magic with her hands. Nor is it due to the army of sparkly hand magic people behind her.

It is most definitely due to the giant galactic whole in the sky, with bug monsters flying out of it.


Bloody tartarus

Remember kids, just because you fight two wars, kill multiple gods, and stroll through hell without dying till your 17 and a half. Does not mean you won't die due to aliens a week before you actually make it to adulthood. Because that would be just too easy.

Did I mention sparkly hand magic, because Percy was about 300% sure the monks were beheading aliens. THUD. That alien head was a bit close for comfort. He jumps up over the crumbling buildings and dodging falling rocks( and heads). Making his way for the closest fire escape so he can get a better picture and this mess. And no percy is not looking for escape because that just wouldn't fit his savior complex. Instead making the first and most likely only smart decision of the day he chooses to fight away from the sparkly hand people so he doesn't accidentally join a cult. Leaving quite possibly the only relatively competent people in the city.

He uncaps riptide and lunges for the nearest humanoid bug and promptly bashes them in the head with his now materialized shield. He sprints to the rooftop taking out any bug men within his reach and crashes two of the hoverboards together. Unfortunately it only gets worse from the roof, fire, destruction, aliens as far as he can see, scaling every surface. Civilians completely out of the league. He spartan kicks a  bug man off a hoverboard only for his blue hoodie to catch on the spikes.


He flipped upside down and dragged across the New York skyline. Pulling anxiously at his clothes as his head gets more dizzy. Blurs of black and gray speed past his vision. His hoverboard slams into a clearly nearsighted bug man and now he is spinning. Slam. He hits presumably the corner of a building and gets dislodged, falling toward the pavement. This is gonna hurt is all that he can think before he reflexively shifts. He turns to put all 4 limbs under him, twisting like a cat( or a squirrel). Summoning his armor over himself to lessen the impact. Just as he is about to hit the ground he rolls and lands in his best fighting pose- Yelena would be proud.

Dizzly stabbing the bug man who fell off the opposing hoverboard- clear through the stomach. He looks up at where he landed, scanning for the next threat.

And, sigh, why is it alway him. Looking at the 6 figures circling him in what could only be a summoning circle ( who would stand still in the middle of a fight if they weren't summoning a demon). Inspecting the man flying in ridiculously heavy looking armor, thor(one of his least favorite gods- he would take drama queen over him any day), a spy lady who has some very un-spy like blinding, red hair, a guy with a- no- bow and arrow, yuck, a green monster- possibly the demon they summoned, and is that CAPTAIN AMERICA. All at once a feeling of despair washed over him and Percy couldn't help but wish he'd joined the cult when had the chance.

Clint has seen a lot in life. He's seen a lot of fighters, weapons masters, and acrobats. He grew up in the literal circus, for heaven's sake. So when a pretty plain looking dude complets a triple rotation at 60 miles per hr and sticks the landing he wants to drop his bow and applaud.

"Who's the olympian?"(pun intended) Iron-man calls over the comms. Whilst blasting more aliens in flashes of blue light. Pausing slightly as said olympian impales the alien without looking up.

"Dunno, but I'd give him gold for sure." Clint says, hearing the captain's whistle over the call. Turning back to fight and shooting arrows at the closest targets.

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