I glanced back at Saxon. The blonde had her hand on his shoulder as she climbed off the bike. His hand wrapped around her back.

"I'll get back to you, how about that?" I stumbled out.

So now I had to put on a brave face. I couldn't let Saxon see how upset I was. Time to put that face on now. I walked straight past him keeping my head up high, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Hey Leigh." I smiled and wrapped my arm around him. He returned the hug, it took him a moment but he did.

"You're in a good mood and happy to see me." He gave me an odd look.

I pulled back and looked up at him smiling. "Missed my brother, you've been gone for agers."

"Yeah and last time I checked we weren't talking." Leigh shook his head at me, like I was crazy.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You know me. Can't be mad at you forever."

"Well that's a good thing. How have things been around here?" Leigh asked as we began walking.

"Um you know normal."


We stopped and I didn't want to but we had too. Because Saxon seemed to want to talk to Leigh.

So I slowly turned around and crossed my arms as I did.

"Yeah Sax?" Leigh smiled at Libby before looking at Saxon. "Oh wait Libby you wouldn't know my sister. This is Gabriella. Gabriella this is Libby Saxon's wife."

There's that word again.

"Ex wife." Saxon put in, trying to catch my eye. But I wouldn't look him in the eye.

I smiled awkwardly at her then she handed Saxon the helmet and engulfed me in a hug. Yep she's a hugger. I patted her back and then she finally let go.

"I didn't know Irish had a sister!" Her voice was sweet and kind. I was really hoping she was a bitch.

"Um well he does." I shrugged my shoulders.

"And you're so pretty! Seriously I would never have guessed you were related." She winked at me and Leigh shoved her lightly.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say Libby." Leigh rolled his eyes. "What did you want anyway Sax?"

"Can you give up your room for a bit? Maybe move into the cottage? Libby needs a room." Saxon undid his mask and hung the helmets on the handle bars. "I'd ask someone else but I doubt Gabriella would want one of the boys staying with her."

Leigh opened his mouth to answer but Libby cut him off.

"Don't be silly Saxon. I'll share with you. Nothing I haven't seen before." She slapped him on the chest. "Anyway I don't want to put anyone out and it will give us more time to talk."

I was literally grinding my teeth now, glaring down at my feet. So she was sleeping with him now as well?

Well wasn't that just great. Whatever Saxon and I had, was over.

I looked up for the first time and met his eyes. While his were the normal black dark holes not giving any of his emotions away. Mine were on fire, with hate.

"Well I better head in. Going to help Alex for tonight." I went to walk around Leigh.

"Oh wait I'll come I haven't seen Alex in agers and she is such a gem." Libby kissed Saxon on the cheek and to my utter horror began to follow me.

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