𝐷𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑚 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑓 𝑜𝑓 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑡

Start from the beginning

The pitter patter of little feet had Aro's attention. He moved and opened the bedroom door to see Eugene. He motioned for Aro, Marcus and Caius to follow him. Isadora nodded at them, telling them to go with the young boy.

Eugene lead his Papa's to the Livingroom, where Odette and Eulises were sitting as they walked in, Milo hissed angrily at Caius. The cat hated him again, rightfully so.

The kings sat down with the children. Their hearts hurt as they saw how much they've grown. Odette wasn't a tiny girl, she looks as if she is seven. She certainly inherited her fathers hair.

Eulises was a lot taller. He also looked more confident and he eyed the kings as if they were a threat to his siblings and mother.

Eugene looked defeated. He looked as if he was fed up of crying.

"Why did you send us away?" Eulises asked

"The truth" Odette piped up.

"A woman changed our bonds. We believed that your mother wasn't our mate."

"But why would she do that?"

"Because she wanted what your mother has and we were foolish enough to fall for it."

"Papa's. Do you love us now?" Eugene asked.

"Oh my sweet boy, we never truly stopped loving you. Any of you." Caius said. Eugene ran to Caius and hugged him tightly. Caius kissed his head as the other two went to him and hugged him.

Eventually, Isadora walked downstairs and saw her mates and children huddled together. She gave a small smile. She was happy to have them back, but there was now a part of her that would be careful to not trust them 100%.

Later in the morning, Isadora was sitting with the Kings. The children were with Mr. Norman, helping with the animals. The Kings were telling her about what they were like while she was gone. Caius held little Ophelia in his arms, smiling as she emitted a warmth and the feeling of calmness.

"We had the satisfaction of the three of us, but we knew the moment that you left that something was wrong. We were to stubborn to see that that woman was thriving off of seeing us fall apart." Marcus explained

"Well, It is your own fault. You told me to leave. You say something was off the minute I left, but you never thought to look into the bonds, properly" Isadora shrugged

"In the end it was Sulpicia that killed her. Jane had her fun torturing the woman-"

"Where are they? Jane and Alec. Where are my children?" Marcus sighed. He knew she wasn't listening to them, she was actually ignoring them until she heard Jane's name

"We are here mother."

Isadora turned around and ran to the twins. Jane and Alec holding her tightly.

"Oh my sweet twins. Look at you. I have missed you both so much." She said and kissed their heads. Caius glared. Marcus was the only one to be that close to her. Aro nudged him

"We missed you too mother. So so much." Alec said as he nuzzled closer to their mother.

"Come, meet your newest sibling. Her name is Ophelia."
Jane and Alec smiled as they approached the baby girl.

Aro hugged Jane and apologised to the both of them for how they had been acting towards them. Aro then went to Lyra and apologised for not defending her. She immediately forgave him.

The children came back a little while later, with baskets of treats.

"Mamma. Mr Norman made us treats." Eulises smiled.

"That was kind of him. Did you all thank him?"

"Yeah. Odette tried to say no, but he insisted."

Isadora smiled as they put the baskets away.

They turned and saw Jane and Alec. They screamed happily and tackled their sister and brother in hugs.

"Alright, alright you three. Indoor voices. Ophelia is sleeping." Caius shushed the triplets. They immediately quieted themselves.

"Sweethearts, We need to talk to you all." Isadora said to them, they all looked to her, giving her their full attention

"How do you feel about going back to Greece?"

"Would Mr. Norman and Dustin be coming?" Eugene asked

"I don't think they will. Mr. Norman is an old man and he is happy at his home and I think Dustin is going to be looking for his mate." She said and frowned at Odette

"But, they're family"

"Aw, sweetheart. We will come back and see them. All the time"

"We will?" Her daughter asked. Isadora nodded as Ophelia began to cry. The warm summer day turned dark and cloudy as tears fell down her face

"I think Ophelia is gifted." Aro said in awe

"But she is human" Marcus interrupted as Caius soothed the crying baby, handing her a diamond bracelet that he pulled from his pocket

"Such a talented little human" Caius smiled as her siblings smiled in awe.

Each of them had a gift.

Eulises had the gift of mind control. He could manipulate peoples minds to do his will

Eugene had the gift of fire manipulation. His hair would set on fire when he was angry.

Odette had the gift of water manipulation. She could walk on water and could put out her brothers fire with a wave of her hand.

Ophelia had the suspected gift of weather control. Clearly while she was young, her mood would reflect the weather.

"Can we go to see my parents before we go back? They haven't met Ophelia." The kings nodded as Ophelia began to cry again. Isadora took her and rocked her gently. The baby immediately quieted herself in the familiar arms of her mother.

"I think it's time for a nap." Isadora smiled and took Ophelia upstairs while the kings spent some time with the triplets.

Isadora hadn't really spoke to them. She mainly listened to them or glared at them. She was such a stubborn woman.

They had noticed that she wasn't talking to them and they understood. Because of their foolishness, she is hurt. The bonds shattering alone must have caused her more pain than venom spreading. Now because they were repairing the bond, they have caused her separation anxiety to appear. Once Ophelia was settled and sleeping, she turned on the baby monitor and went downstairs, where each king had a child napping in their arms.

Isadora sighed as she pricked her finger with the needle again. Aro, who had put Odette in her bed, took her finger and tutted before sucking the blood away.

"I forgot how fragile you can be when you are human" he said. She smiled lightly, but frowned at Aro's face. Then she remembered. His gift.

He was appalled at how he treated her. How they all did.

His hand caressed her face.

"Never again. I-I promise you Mia Cara. I will never hurt you like I have done." Aro said as venom pooled in his eyes.

Isadora cupped his cheek.

"If you ever do, I will be the one to crush the bonds and I won't look back." She said and kissed his cheek.

Aro knew that they wouldn't be forgiven for a long time

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