𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠

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It was two days before the battle and most of the vampires that had been staying with them had gone far away to hunt

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It was two days before the battle and most of the vampires that had been staying with them had gone far away to hunt. The only ones in the Cullen residence were the Cullen's and the Denali's, seeing as they had hunted the night before.

Isadora looked like she was on the brink of death. She didn't have enough strength to walk for to long, so to save her energy, Emmett carried her everywhere. She was staring at the painting she did a few months ago, when everything felt perfect. When Edward was there.

Isadora didn't have favourite siblings, but Edward and Isadora shared a bond stronger than hers and Carlisle's. Edward was the real one to save her. After that night when they got her out of there, Edward talked her out of every Suicidal thought that crossed her mind. He was the one to suggest little space to her, helping her to cope with the trauma in which he had seen through her memories.

Isadora heard voices around her, a familiar one, but she didn't even look up to see who it was. That was when Edward sat in front of her. She remained still, but when he went to speak, she went to stand up, she struggled and stumbled, but regained balance and she slowly walked to her room.

"This is the worst she has been." Edward sighed

"No wonder. You just up and left. She hasn't eaten, spoken and has barely treaded into her little space, she has been up until god knows what hour of the night screaming at her memories, all because you didn't tell us where you were going, but I bet you went to see Isabella swan. Didn't you?" Emmett seethed at Edward, who looked utterly destroyed

"I did see Isabella, to try and nip this in the bud-"

"How did that work? Oh right. It didn't." Rosalie spat at Edward, who averted his gaze.

"Not only did you make this worse, but you have asked the Volturi to come to our home, where we have the Romanians staying here and a human who lives here. They are not going to let that slide." She snarled

"I know, but we need all the help we could get."

"And getting the Volturi here would help how?" Jasper asked

"Caius has experience with wolves and his mates will not allow him to be alone."

"When are they coming?" Carlisle asked

"Tomorrow morning" he informed

"Well, we'll be hunting, so you, Alice and Isadora will be here to greet them." Esme stated Edward nodded.

"I'm going to check on Dora. I'm sure she wants to talk to someone." Carlisle said and went to her room.

Isadora was sketching when Carlisle found her. That was the first time she had done this since Edward had left.

"Sweetheart, can I sit?" Carlisle asked. She nodded

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Scared" she answered honestly

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