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Lily Collins as Isadora Lily Cullen

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Lily Collins as Isadora Lily Cullen

The shy mate

"You promised me that day when I was in the hospital that you would never leave me. You are nothing but a liar."

Michael Sheen as Aro Volturi

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Michael Sheen as Aro Volturi

The stern leader

"You shouldn't think so low of yourself, to us you are the most beautiful person on this Earth"

"You shouldn't think so low of yourself, to us you are the most beautiful person on this Earth"

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Jamie Campbell Bower as Caius Volturi

The iron fisted one

"They haven't done a good job looking after her. Our mate looks like a skeleton and openly hates herself"

 Our mate looks like a skeleton and openly hates herself"

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Ae Fond KissDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora