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Hold my hand when the get going gets tough...Hold me down through the highs and lows...When doubts seem to cloud my judgment assure me that we are in this for the long run...Tell me I'm yours to have and to hold so that when storms come I may not be shacken because by then you'd be mine just as I'd be yours..."

At the hospital
There is something with being in waiting rooms, no let me be specific there is a bone chilling feeling with being in hospital waiting rooms. Hospital waiting rooms can make one slowly lose hope with the doctors mobing up and down, shouting orders... the beeping machines creating a very daunting sound and the smell is just the cherry on top. In the nut shell hospital waiting rooms are depressing.

Nathi keept on pacing up and down trying to ease the guilt, pain, anger and confusion as to what may have caused this. He was hoping fir the best while expecting anything at all but one glance at his hands he knew deep down the chance of the babies surviving was close to non, I mean Azade lost a lot of blood. As much as at some point he had this deep hatred for Azade and this sick craving of seeing suffer due to how she had broke his heart but now as he look at things from this perspective both of them they've been victims of other people's wrong decisions.

Everyone in the waiting room was lost in their own worlds of fear, hope and what if's.

The doors of the emergency room busted open and a distraught looking Dr Zulu came out... before he could say anything, Nathi quickly made his way to him and asked "Doc how is Azade, the babies?, how are they?!" Everyone was looking at Dr Zulu because they all had the same question, Dr Zulu said, "For what I'm going to tell you I need everyone to be calm and to sit down please..."  before he could finish Nathi spoke, " Dr don't fucken tell us to sit down or calm down!" at this point Dr Zulu was close to peeing his pants due to Nathi's tone but regardless he held his composure and spoke," Miss Nzimande is in a critical condition and due to that we have placed her in an induced coma, as for her babies one of them didn't make it we tried everything we could but it was too late and the other two are also in a very critical condition, I am sorry for your loss . "

Thuli fainted as soon as Dr Zulu finished his speech. Enkosi was silently weeping, Vela was stuck on her feet. Nathi started slowly saying No, slowly he was going through a breakdown, a very painful cry resonated from him, he started throwing everything and anything he could get his hands to, in the mist of that before the doctors could sedate him he started having difficulties breathing, he was having a heart attack...Doctors quickly got hold of him and got busy with him. In the must and chaos of it all Bab'Nzimande rushed in with nurses pushing an un-responsive MaNzimande. To say doctors were shocked would be an understatement this was beyond science how could people who are related be sick at the same time in the most un-usual ways. The Ndlovu's and Nzimande's have really made history at Durban Gen.

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon