𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒅𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒖 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈'𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔

The second day I woke up as if I was back at home I swear I heard what mama used to say, she'd say "Azade weeh!, sukuma sukuma wentombi ayikho inkomo yobuthongo sukuma kusile laphandle"I miss her yhoo! and guess what time would she be saying that at? It would be about 4:00am that's how life is like back at home start the day early and retire to bed early unlike here in the city. Checking the time on my phone it was 05:00am so I better start getting ready if I wanted to be on time at work. I quickly did my hygiene process and I didn't think I have to look professional since I was a personal helper so I just wore my old time favourite black plain t-shirt and dungaree with some old all stars and a bandana over my head as I was too lazy to undo my Bantu knots. I took my backpack, made sure I had everything I would need, leaving my room closed and locked I got started with breakfast and my lunch. I had my breakfast and took my lunch and left a note for Vela off to work I left.

I guess today luck was on my side as I got a taxi that was not full and had a kind driver how I wish everyday would be like this yhoo! Getting to Ndlovu Corp, I greeted the security guard at the door, the reception was still empty and other workers had not yet arrived, riding the elevator I got to Mr Ndlovu's door and knocked and a faint come in sounded from the other side and I entered the lion's den tltl I'm exaggerating neeh? "Good morning Miss Nzimande if you are done being in your head I'd like you to get me coffee and go to my penthouse and clean here are the keys and address and also here is my card you are to use it for my needs only" that brought me out of 'my head's as he puts it "yes sir" I said taking the keys and card out of his hand and let me tell you what happened he held my hand and I was forced to look at him and guess what I couldn't keep my eyes at him because his stare was so intense and the guy is one hell of a ZULU Adonis sculpted by the goods themselves, as I was still trying to get myself back to the land of the living while my hand was still held up by him the door busted open and walked in another Adonis yhoo! I was gonna faint from being in the presence of these hot specimen lord have mercy on me. "Mhhm!" The new Adonis cleared his throat and smiled, I quickly retrieved my hand from Mr Ndlovu's and he quickly adjusted his tie as if it was out of place, then Adonis spoke walking towards where I stood"Sanibonani lakwa  Ndlovu, it's such a pleasure to walk into such a beautiful scenery like this one" I was about to walk out of there when the new guy held my hand and said "Sawubona we ndoni yamanzi Mina I Gama ngu Njabulo wakwa Mkhize besengicela ukwazi we ntokazi hleze ngithumele omalume lengakini ngoba manje sengibon'intyatyambo emagcekeni akini" damn this guy knew how to talk his way into a girl's pants because he said all that with a dashing Colgate smile, thank god for my dark skin cause I swear I'd be a tomato and to add  cherry on top he kissed my hand lord I'm never washing my hand lol I'm lying so not to be rude I answered him and said "Sawubona bhuti, Igama ngu Azade isibongo ngu Nzimande" I was still basking in the attention I was getting from Njabulo when Mr grumpy pants spoke" Miss Nzimande I don't pay you to chat" with that I took my hand out of Njabulo's and I made my way to the door when I was about to turn the door knob Mr grumpy pants spoke again and said "Ohhh another thing Miss Nzimande since you are my personal helper you are required to move in with me starting today, now off you go I need my coffee hurry up shoo!" Rolling my eyes and saluting while saying" yes sir" I left to do my chores for the day, Argh my life is a bore!

Getting to the nearest Mug'n Bean which was just across the street from Ndlovu Corp I bought two cups of coffee since he had company and two extra large chocolate muffins, dear lord may he not bite my head for this.  Getting at his door I knocked and I was told to enter and Njabulo was still here so there was no need to greet, putting the coffee and muffins on his desk I said "may I now be excused to attend my other duties sir?" He just nodded his head.
I was headed for the door when Njabulo said "Miss Nzimande can I get your number please" before I could reply Mr grumpy said "Mkhize stop flirting with my employees or else..." "Or else what Ndlovu?" Challenged Njabulo with a smirk on his face. Mr Ndlovu just narrowed his eyes on me as if to say get out of here so I quickly left.  Reaching the lobby I ordered an Uber as I was going towards the richer side of Jozi, Sandton mabhabha!.

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now